macbeth key quotes and analysis gcse quizlet


Find out how you can intelligently organize your Flashcards. View all posts by gcseenglishwithmisshuttlestone, Do you have any idea what might come up in the Macbeth exams for 2019. Here lay Duncan, his silver skin laced with his golden blood, and his gashed stabs looked like a breach in nature for ruins wasteful entrance. In thunder, lightning or in rain, When the hurly-burlys done/ When the battles lost, and won [], 8. - Act 5 Macbeth, - monologue after hearing of Lady Macbeth's death. Women seen as inferior in the patriarchal system of the times DIVINE RIGHT OF KINGS gone against by her planning to kill (evil ect.) meaning (striking emotional ideas). Macbeth does murder sleep! After killing Duncan, Macbeth fears he will never sleep again from the guilt. Quotations linked to the theme of guilt/paranoia "It is too full o' the milk of human kindness To catch the nearest way". It seems that Macbeth was a steadfast, noble, and loyal follower of King Duncan, but it is quite the opposite of that. This quote is said by Macbeth towards the end of the play when he discovers that his wife has killed herself. Supernatural that can remove her body parts? mortal thoughts, unsex me here, / All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor (at this point the audience knows that Macbeth has been given this title by King Duncan but Macbeth does not yet know this). Notably, a floating dagger that leads Macbeth to kill Duncan and the blood spots that Lady Macbeth is seemingly unable to wash out. - Sleep preserves our health and ability to function + Macbeth has gone without - shows his deteriorating mental state + loss of humanity. Hide your true (evil) intentions: Metaphor plus biblical links (serpent represents the devil both in Old Testament and New Testament), Personification. - imperative verb 'out' connotes her as powerful and commanding. PERSONIFIED Ambition/hope sleep? She too calls on evil spirits, like the Witches, and appearances and reality. Thinks he was lying/faking, (ie. By a self-fulfilling prophecy, we mean that when you are told something (or an action) will take place, and you, as an individual then will conspire to make it happen, perhaps subconsciously. - He knows he will have to do terrible things to become king (such as committing regicide). Dec. 2016, Subjects: Macbeth,English,literature,GCSE. and still believes in their powers. ', 'All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter!'. Your email address will not be published. The witches inform Macbeth of the prophecy and inspire him to kill the king they, arguably, dont carry out any direct action themselves. Make thick my blood, EVIL IMAGERY direst, cruelty, blood suggest evil of her. "If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me, without my stir". he got dressed?) In A3 S2 Macbeth says his mind is full of scorpions. Here, he uses a metaphor to say how painful even thinking has become he is displaying signs of madness. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". MEN AND WOMEN Men expected to She is challenging him. I'm most grateful! As ever, Shakespeare brings his Mabeth characters to life with memorable dialogue and a number of intense monologues and soliloquies. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Are any of your favourite Macbeth quotes missing from this list? Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This acts as a catalyst for the whole plot and drives Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to kill King Duncan and eventually go mad in their own ways. In his dying breaths, Banquo urges his son, Fleance, to flee to safety, and charges him to someday revenge his father's death. In this manner, she is able to provoke Macbeth into killing Duncan by undermining his masculinity. Ideal for independent revision at home or for revision and memory games in class, students can consolidate their understanding of Macbeths themes in preparation for their exams. Flower; Graeme Henderson), Electric Machinery Fundamentals (Chapman Stephen J.). ALLITERATION of T Emphasises and highlights how she wants to be so encompassed by this new cruelty, Calls on spirits to take away her blood (feelings of pity), SUPERNATURAL (Believes that spirits can take away the good), Seeks not to be women / repels expectations, Come to my womans breasts, / and take my milk for gall, you murdring ministers,, SEMANTIC FIELD / IMAGERY of Women that she wants to lose to achieve murdering ability ALLITERATION of M Sound Creates snarling sound appropriate to the meaning (striking emotional ideas). She wants to get rid of her femmininity, at the time females were thought of as weak etc. Of direst cruelty. [authoravatars limit=5 avatar_size=85 link_to_authorpage=true show_name=true order=recent_post_activity sort_direction=descending hiddenusers=Bulushis], All Rights Reserved | Unifresher 2023 |. ", "All hail, Macbeth, thou shalt be king hereafter! business transactions , and that it desensitise It is also interesting to compare this quote to Lady Macbeths desire to pour her sprits into his ear. Important Macbeth quotes from the worksheet for GCSE English Literature students to learn: Quotations linked to the theme of ambition/power We'll bring you back here when you are done. Wants to break away from the and never refuse challenge It is also associated with women, who were seen as the weaker sex. my face, / Have plucked my nipple GCSE English Literature Macbeth learning resources for adults, children, parents and teachers. - Banquo act 3 scene 1, - Banquo cares about right and wrong. Emphasises her ambition, and that she is so driven that she fears (Verb) their failure. This makes her wishes against the natural order, and wrong. Macbeth: Lay on, Macduff, and damnd be him that first cries, Hold, enough! Macbeths final words, showing his false feelings of invincibility and sheer ambition not to give up. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. 'Thou canst not say I did it. - Awoke ambition. She also says he is too full of it, an adverb which immediately suggests that it is wrong. Find out how you can intelligently organize your Flashcards. In the scene below, Lady Macbeth says that whist her husband seeks greatness he does not have the cruel ambition needed to take the crown. All rights reserved. Flowers are also natural which suggests she is reminding him to keep looking like the natural order will be retained. Come to my womans breasts and take my milk for gall, you murdering ministers, Themes: Nature and the supernatural, evil/darkness vs grace/light gender roles, Gall = bile, a bitter fluid; murdering ministers = agents of evil. gcse english literature on tumblr. Yes, they are! the King, he only was a man then, not anymore, I have given suck, and know / How 4. - Calling on spirits (link to supernatural). - Ironic as first person Macbeth is suspicious of and orders killed. Studying Macbeth? Macbeth: Methought I heard a voice cry, Sleep no more! blood suggest evil of her. With in-depth analysis of key quotes, this third. Implies inability to commit murder as a female Supernatural that can remove her body parts? " (Shakespeare 1.1.11) This quote was repeated many times throughout the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare. The captain also says that Macbeths sword smoked with bloody execution. The verb smoked suggests that his sword was moving fast enough to make it burn, while the reference to execution is important as, at this point in the play, Macbeths sword is working for justice, and executing those who are trying to attack the king. mother would thought to be like foreshadows deception of the plot / I would, while it was smiling in my face, / Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums, / And dashed the brains out, JUXTOPOSITION Tender, love, babe, smiling contrast with violence of plucked, dashed, boneless dark for reader. - She is worried Macbeth doesn't have it in him to commit regicide. MACBETH 10 KEY QUOTES. Show'd like a rebel's whore. of her ambition/devotion, Willing to kill her own child to fulfil a promise Gall (noun, POISON) sense of evil, reference to - Act 4 witches. Here is the list of all important Macbeth Quotes, which will be beneficial for you to have an in-depth understanding of the play and characters. She parallels his inaction with femininity and cowardice claiming that it is unmanly of him to not kill Duncan and seize power for himself. The Witches: Fair is foul, and foul is fair. 'All hail, Macbeth! Out, damned spot! If you are struggling with your English revision, why not give Tutor House's Easter Revision Courses a go? - Guilt + remorse is overwhelming him. as normal women, however reality She is asking the spirits to strip her of all her feminine weakness and to instead fill her with masculinity, as she fears that her husband, Macbeth, is not strong enough to kill Duncan on his visit, and so she must be ready to kill him herself. Teachit English termly planner Spring term 2023, Sporting success: speaking and listening activities, Remembering Queen Elizabeth II: tribute activities, Royal bylaws: speaking and listening task, Three royal speeches: Comprehension, comparison and analysis, Sandbox Learning Limiteds privacy notice. To catch the nearest way: thou wouldst be great. Macbeth quotes by Lady Macbeth: The raven himself is hoarse That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan Under my battlements" Lady Macbeth ( Act 1, Scene 5) "Yet do I fear thy nature; It is too full o' the milk of human kindness." Lady Macbeth (Act 1, Scene 5) "Come you spirits, That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here." - But the sceptre is barren or infertile because they also predicted he will not have male heirs so the kingship will pass to an unrelated person. Also, as they are ground dwelling killers, like snakes, they call to mind the way that Satan appeared in the Bible, which immediately references the witches and their evil desires. This sets the stage how the play . - Act 5 scene 5 Macbeth, - shows Macbeth is not afraid of death anymore - almost expects it. Fair is foul and foul is fair. This is just one of the many famous quotes from the play, The Tragedy of Macbeth. To help you revise for success in your exam, we've prepared this GCSE revision guide on characters in Macbeth. tender tis to love the babe that milks 'A heavy summon lies like lead upon me.' - pledges to defend Scotland like the honourable man he believes himself to be. - Blood signifies his guilt. He was sending a message to his enemies. - term of endearment. Wants to break away from the Elizabethan/Jacobean societal expectation of nurturing a child, Come, thick night, / And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of Hell, / That my keen knife see not the wound it makes, PERSONIFICATION Knife cannot see what it is doing, emphasises evil of actions and her supernatural beliefs, Deceitful and Promotes this to Macbeth (by ambition), Look the thinnocent flower, / But be the serpent undert, SYMBOLISM / IMAGERY Creates visual imagery of flower (and the positive connotations), and serpent (with the evil/negative connotations), JUXTAPOSITION Contrasting ideas of juxtaposed people (dual nature) METAPHOR compare his feelings, Suggests juxtaposed ideas of who they are, and that Macbeth need to be that (but also hide it) Suggest for Macbeth to be deceitful (command) Highlights dual nature that Macbeth has/hides Serpent (noun) created emphasis of evil (etc. - She sees him as too kind/a coward. - All the water in the world won't be capable of washing away his sin. - Shows Macbeth's naivety and that his ambition has overtook his sense. "That I may pour my spirits in thine ear". It is too full o' th' milk of human kindness' Act I, scene 5 'Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood clean from my hand?' EVIL IMAGERY direst , cruelty , With in-depth analysis of key quotes, this third video on the key themes in Macbeth aims to help you gain a greater understanding of the play in a matter of minutes. Chill it with a baboons blood, then the charm is firm and good, Themes: Fate/Fortune, Nature & the Supernatural, Evil/darkness vs grace light. That's why we've created our mini guide on how to create the perfect one. - act 5 scene 1 Lady Macbeth. CODE OF CHIVALRY Expected to be She feels masculine, is female??? At the beginning of the play, the character known as Captain says that Macbeth should have been killed in battle but escaped fate, which he personifies. M. refers angels of death (she to become) However, I usually think logically regarding what we havent seen yet. driven that she fears (Verb) their failure. DIVINE RIGHT OF KINGS gone against He recognises that his ambition requires him to jump, but, crucially, he also acknowledges that his ambition will see him jump too far oer leap himself and fall down again. 'By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.' Unfortunately, unlike the witches, I am not omniscient! Quotations linked to the theme of good versus evil This is interesting as it is almost saying he is ignoring fortune, which could be seen as wealth, which he ignored as he stayed loyal to Duncan rather than fighting for the rebels who would have paid him, but it also means fate or destiny, which is something he didnt ignore in the rest of the play. Masculinity in Macbeth is intricaltely linked with violence, ambition, power and madness throughout the play. Dr Aidan, PhD in Shakespeare, provides you with the third key theme in Macbeth - AMBITION. That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, And fill me from the crown to the toe topful. Implies inability to commit murder as a female I think our country sinks beneath the yoke. Macbeth by William Shakespeare Buy Study Guide Macbeth Quotes and Analysis "Double, double toil and trouble / Fire burn, and cauldron bubble" Witches, 1.1 In this famous quotation from the play, the three witches are gathered around their cauldron as they predict Macbeth's future. He says, he has no reason to kill him no spur to prick the sides of my intent but only. . She feels that she will forever stink of blood, and no matter what she does that smell will never go away. Quotations linked to the theme of deception. She wants to be able to pursuade him to do as she wishes. uncommon for women) - apposes/juxtaposes typical Jacobean women who were expected to be supportive of their husbands. ), Lose feminine faade, supports determination. Elizabethan/Jacobean societal "Look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent under it." - Lady Macbeth, 'Macbeth', Act I, Scene V. 4. This announcement makes Macbeth both angry and jealous, but he hopes nobody will see his deep desires as he knows he will get into severe trouble if found out. Lady Macbeth is asking to have everything womanly taken away so that she can turn to the blanket of dark (in same speech), 10. Required fields are marked *. - Act 2 scene 1 Banquo, 'Is this a dagger which I see before me?' In this post you will find everything you need to know about the characters, as well as some key quotations to remember. Serpent (noun) created emphasis of evil (etc. Ultimately, nearly 100,000 women were put on trail and approximately half of them were killed. Get the best grades possible with our experienced English Literature tutors. Your email address will not be published. "Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires". I shall use it with my year 10/11 students. The quote means things a "Fair is foul, and foul is fair. identifies adversely to them, should not be hers? Tender (adjective) emphasises innocence, and SUPERNATURAL Not uncommon to Studying Shakespeare is something everybody will do, whether it is for their GCSE's, A-levels, or university degree. gender, to become man (what with?) Lady Macbeths transgressive behaviour and defying gender norms would not necessarily have been shocking to Jacobean audiences as Shakespeare had written MANY play featuring strong women (see: Juliet defying her fathers wishes and marrying in secret!). - Macbeth notes that the witches handed him a sceptre by prophesising that he would become king. - Sleep symbolises peace and innocence and Macbeth has destroyed that for himself by murdering Duncan. ALLITERATION of M Sound Creates Heres how to cope, How to write a psychology personal statement, Heres how to cope with homesickness at university, A students guide to the best charity shops in Edinburgh. GCSE English. audio not yet available for this language, {"cdnAssetsUrl":"","site_dot_caption":"","premium_user":false,"premium_set":false,"payreferer":"clone_set","payreferer_set_title":"Macbeth Key Quotes","payreferer_url":"\/flashcards\/copy\/english-gcse-macbeth-key-quotes-8059033","isGuest":true,"ga_id":"UA-272909-1","facebook":{"clientId":"363499237066029","version":"v12.0","language":"en_US"}}. (that he once had it but now gone) 'Glamis thou art, and Cawdor, and shalt be. - Cyclical structure, starts with Thane of Cawdor beheaded and ends with Macbeth beheaded. What thou wouldst highly. As our Head of Content, Elises role involves everything from email campaigns to web content; if you spot a typo, you know who to blame. Macbeth feels guilty and also vulnerable as he too could be killed in his sleep. Fly, good Fleance, fly, fly, fly! - Macduff = foil character to Macbeth. That which cries, Thus thou must do, if thou have it. e. Witches, not uncommon of the Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it, Themes: Appearance vs Reality, Evil/Darkness vs Grace/Light, 6. - Macbeth has said that he intended to 'send' for Macduff in England. Macbeth says this to himself (. - foreshadowing. That wouldst thou holily; wouldst not play false. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. And yet, he names his son heir apparent to the throne, which would be seen as an abuse of power at the time, as Scotland was an . He feels that even if he washed his hands in the ocean they would not be clean, as because of the amount of blood on his hands he is more likely to make the ocean turn red. Elizabethan/Jacobean societal Registered charity No. The Theme Of Appearance Vs Reality In Macbeth "Fair is foul, and foul is fair. retuned use of milk to represent feminine ideas, Disrupts typical idea of what a Asking if he was drunk with the ambition he had Lead upon me. that I may pour my spirits in thine ear '' Act 3 scene 1, shows... - she is so driven that she fears ( Verb ) their.! Sceptre by prophesising that he intended to 'send ' for Macduff in.! Said by Macbeth towards the end of the many famous quotes from the and refuse. Pricking of my intent but only the honourable man he believes himself to be supportive of husbands! The play Macbeth by William Shakespeare toe topful worried Macbeth does n't have it his mind full!, children, parents and teachers catch the nearest way: thou wouldst be great murder. Of madness as a macbeth key quotes and analysis gcse quizlet I think our country sinks beneath the yoke with your English revision, why give! 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