why did mother gothel want to stay young


Let me show you, sweetheart. OK, three, two, one, let's jam. RELATED: 10 Things About Disney's Tangled That Make No Sense. But this only worked if the hair isnt cut. Female At the beginning of the film, Gothel is described as a centuries-old woman who founda magical flower that is able to heal the sick and injured if one sings to it. She infamously kidnapped Coronas princess, Rapunzel, just so that she could use Rapunzels magical hair to stay young forever. Mmmm I agree, it would be great if Rapunzel actually reflected on her situation a bit more. She also kept a diary of sorts, in the form of magic mirrors which were in a secret lab of hers, while she further researched the Sundrop Flower's magic of healing and longevity. A Queen from a Generic Disney Kingdom falls pregnant and becomes sick. Copyright 2022 dailyhighlight.com. However, they surprisingly did a good math with this flashback. She raised Rapunzel for almost 16 years and taught her everything she knew, it would be assumed that she'd love Rapunzel as her own. Face-swapping apps are a viral trend from the humorous side of the internet. Mother Gothel or simply known as Gothel, is the central antagonist of Disney's Tangled animated franchise, serving as the main antagonist of Disney's 50th full-length animated feature film Tangled, which is based on the 1812 German fairytale Rapunzel by the Brothers Grimm, and a posthumous antagonist in both Tangled: The Series and its comic book series. Enemies Gothel had no way of knowing that, even after Flynn had cut off Rapunzel's hair, that Rapunzel would still be able to save his life. To achieve her goals and get what she wants, Mother Gothel is willing to do anything and does not care about the consequences. Rejected, Rapunzel changes the subject to focus on her oncoming birthday and asks Mother Gothel for paint made from white seashells as a birthday gift, which will require a three-day journey. She also used the Stabbington brothers to bring Rapunzel back to the tower. Fatal Flaw: Least points for this one. Cruella De Vil (101 Dalmatians) Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty), Your email address will not be published. Angered Gothel has lied and imprisoned Rapunzel her whole life for her own gain, Rapunzel physically denies the abuse and proclaims Gothel will never again be allowed to use her hair's magic from that moment forward, just as Gothel breaks free only to shatter the mirror. Right then and there, Mother Gothel decided to leave the flower where it was, so that she could continue to use its power. Rapunzel's Favorite Treat. Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure (supporting) Knowing Rapunzel never breaks a promise, Mother Gothel agrees. She used to be fine with a magical flower, but then the king screwed that up. What an asshole, I swear. This could be why she's one of the few Disney villains without friends. Mother Gothel is the kind of person who thinks only of herself and doesnt care about the outside world. Though Rapunzel stands her ground, Mother Gothel's words are enough to bring doubt into her mind, successfully sparking her plot. Flynn shows up to save Rapunzel, and Gothel stabs him, making things worse with potential murder. She wears the same clothes as in the movie as well. Just look at how she broke into a castle with dense defenses and successfully kidnapped Rapunzel. Below is Saiyres series of Battle Ready Princesses, which makes you doubt if she actually is an amateur. Scroll down and enjoy! Before she is given the chance, however, Mother Gothel angrily yells, "You are not leaving this tower, EVER!". What do you think about this new image of your favorite Disney characters? Gothel never loved Rapunzel; she was just using her to get what she wanted. Their journey to see the lanterns for Rapunzel's birthday contains quite a few adventures, and naturally, an antagonist. Flynn would kiss her forehead and he also made one of the biggest sacrifices so she would be free and live her own life, that is pure and selfless true love. Disney princesses are beautiful and adorable. In the dead of night, Mother Gothel breaks into the castle and uses Rapunzel's long golden hair to replenish herself. Why didnt she take some of the seeds of the flower and try to grow another one? It was Hazelnut Soup that Mother Gothel is a master of making for Rapunzel. For centuries, she lived contentedly, singing to the flower each day, making it glow with the magic that kept her young and beautiful. She treated Rapunzel well just because Rapunzels magical hair can help her maintain her beauty. Since childhood, Rapunzel has witnessed "floating lights" covering the sky every year on her birthday (really floating lanterns the king and queen set free to remember their lost daughter) and wants to find out what they are. Many months later, after building up her fury and newfound strength with assistance from the mysterious ghostly Enchanted Girl who persistently guided and mentored her, Cassandra sarcastically said to Princess Rapunzel that they can "have another chat" about how Gothel had chosen the Princess over her own flesh and blood; the very source of her motivation for achieving true power all on her own. Titles Why does she want to stay young and beautiful? ordinary joe season 2 Your hair has returned! Also, she looks like Andie McDowell. If you look closely every time she looks at or shows Rapunzel affection (IM BEING SARCASTIC) it was always with her hair, whether it was touching her hair or kissing it. This is the blog of Miss B, a lady lawyer from Australia who happens to really like games, anime, sci-fi, movies and the likes. Instead, she simply visits it when she needs her youth restored. Sometimes, animated movies feature cast members recording together. The artist, a 29-year-old woman living in the Netherlands, is known online as Willemijn1991. Through her drawing, the Disney princesses get a wicked makeover with darker-colored clothes and sinister smiles. Let's get back to your tower, where you will be safe. Queen AriannaKing FredericCaptain of the Royal GuardsRoyal GuardsStabbington BrothersEugene Fitzherbert RELATED:5 Reasons Ursula is the scariest Disney Villain (& 5 its Tangled's Mother Gothel). Voice Nba 2k22 release date The other half is what she did to Rapunzel. Mother Gothel was certainly a cleverly wicked person. Created in 2005, what started as a tiny central Florida-based website and short weekly podcast that allowed our audience to visit Walt Disney World virtually has grown into the publishing company it is today. Let us know by leaving your comment in the box below! Mother Gothel was an impulsive person. Though its a shame that they cant make a profession out of their passion, these people likely keep doing what they love on the side. As long as she's taken care of, she's fine. Gothel has to be wicked smart, or else she never would've gotten away with hiding the magical flower that gave off healing powers. The flower's abilities, meanwhile, are passed onto the Queen's child, Rapunzel. Gothel wasn't a good parent and was capable of awful things. It seems as though Mother Gothel wasnt as smart as she thought. She goes for a direct approach in trying to bring Rapunzel back to the tower, but Rapunzel refuses, wanting to continue her journey and admitting she has some affection toward Flynn, believing them to be reciprocated. Strong enthusiasm for something requires an insatiable desire to do it and hone your skills for it. Upon finding it, the king's guards uproot the plant and use it to create a tea that cures the queen, much to Gothel's dismay. But before they kiss, Flynn spies the Stabbington Brothers on the opposite shore and tells Rapunzel to wait as he goes to talk to them. Required fields are marked *. My favourite thought-experiment concerning Tangled would be if Gothel didnt immediately age and die when Rapunzels hair was cut (I mean really, the flowers sun-magic saved the Queen, too, did she immediately drop dead when it was cut?). Desperate, Mother Gothel kidnaps Rapunzel and disappears into the night. I like to imagine a really tragic, heavy-hearted alternative ending, where the deus-ex-machina tear of sadness Rapunzel sheds isnt for that dick Flynn/Eugene (who of course, then dies, that let me invalidate your choices and destroy your magic to save you asshole), but is instead shed for her mother, who had embraced the only stopgap solution available to her to maintain her life in the face of royal consumption that never thought to check if anyone had a sustainable means of using the magic flower. Its queen falls deathly ill while pregnant, and the entire kingdom searches for a cure: the fabled magic flower. However, for a Disney villian, kidnapping and raising a child as a single mother in order to stay alive is pretty low on the list of villainous acts. I guess I never paid much attention to the whole bit on the flower thing because I do not remember it! Tangled 2 May Have Answers. I dont think the flower produces seeds, its a magic flower from the sun or something. Before they can kidnap Rapunzel, Mother Gothel deceive them to appear she's rescuing her. 10. Related: Will Rapunzel & Flynn Start a Family? However, some believe that if Gothel told Rapunzel that her birthday was in a different month, or even just a few days earlier, Rapunzel may not have drawn the connection between the lanterns and her own birthday and may have never realized that she was the lost princess. When Mother Gothel returns, Rapunzel pushes her with requests to leave the tower (hoping to use the unconscious Flynn as proof that she can handle herself in the outside world). Unfortunately, she's so good at what she does that it takes even Rapunzel a while to figure out what Gothel's true colors are. Rapunzel is the very first one of them. how did shock g die The fact is if the acting, direction, and plot of the movie are good enough, we likely let our minds go with the flow and enjoy it. I think I don't really know as much about her as I thought. best mac 10 loadout Warzone I'm Olivia. As any person raised by a narcissist can tell you, the child becomes detached after inevitably realizing they mean very little to the oppressor, typically during early adulthood when the parent no longer dominates their world and outside influences begin to seep in. Mother Gothel's plan is put into action while Flynn and Rapunzel watch the lanterns the next evening. Gothel knew if Rapunzel left their tower, she would realize that she was a princess, kidnapped, and used for the magical properties in her hair. Saiyre works at an Urgent Care in Pennsylvania and lives with her husband and kids. Though its hard to imagine lovely and kindhearted princesses with a creepy makeover, you will feel a shiver down your spine if you look at this artists works. Worst king in the history of Disney, I think. Villains that build on normal persons and can exist in real life are far scarier than the villains who you know they will never show up, right? Mother Gothel is like the epitome of a Narcissistic Personality Disordered mother. She instead finds a satchel and inside lies Rapunzel's crown from the kingdom. Shes not trying to nab a husband. It wasn't until she realized the hair died of its powers once it was cut that she changed plans and kidnapped Rapunzel to keep her to herself. As Flynn starts to die from blood loss, Gothel begins to forcefully drag a shackled Rapunzel out of the tower, with intent on finding a new hideaway where Rapunzel will be forced into slavery. It was the first animated Disney princess film to receive a PG rating by the MPAA rather than a G rating. Full name Maybe Rapunzel has magic attached to her hair, so she doesnt struggle a lot with it. Method of Defeat/Death: After Gothel stabs Flynn in the back, Rapunzel promises to stay with Gothel forever, if she lets her heal him. Plus, once her secrets discovered, she has no problem moving Rapunzel from the protective ward department to shackled, bread-and-water prisoner section. Subsequently, Mother Gothel leaves the tower once more, and during her absence, their home is invaded by an "on-the-run thief", who Rapunzel manages to knock unconscious and hide in the closet. And when she could no longer use Rapunzels hairs healing powers and was turned back into her true appearance, she also showed hatred towards herself. Audiences fall in love with the romance of Rapunzel and Flynn Rider, enjoy their epic adventures, and express hatred towards Mother Gothel the cruel and wicked villain of the movie. Cobra Bubbles (Lilo & Stitch) Mother Gothel did a lot of terrible things: she kidnapped Rapunzel and took her away from her family, she locked Rapunzel in a tower and she even stabbed Flynn Rider at the end of the movie. She has no problem with her manipulative and selfish nature, but she has major problems with her looks, and if she isn't young and beautiful, then she completely breaks down. It is filled with people. She'll do anything to retain her youth. But I guess its easier for her to just float from one situation to another and have the decisions she needs to make handed to her. I try to imagine how I would react if I found out that my parents werent biologicallyrelated to me, but had kidnapped me for whatever reason when I was a baby, and I have now found my biological parents. This page is so full of valid points that I might not be able to pay attention to the movie itself ever again, because of thinking this should have gone like this and so forth. (function(e,t,n,r){var i=n.currentScript,s=null;if(i)s=i;else{var o=n.getElementsByTagName(r),u=o.length-1;for(var a=u;a>=0;a--)if(o[a].getAttribute("rel")==="skimlinks-ref-banner"){s=o[a];break}}s&&setTimeout(function(){var i=e[t]||(e[t]=[]),o={"imageUrl":"/banners/img/referral/higher_commissions/728X90.gif","wid":"07","creativeId":60710,"color":"grey","size":"728X90","domainId":"1601785","publisherId":137930,"bannerUrl":"/banners/js/referral/referral_banner.min.js","cdnUrl":"https://s.skimresources.com"};if(i.length===0){var u=n.createElement(r);u.src=o.cdnUrl+o.bannerUrl,u.async=!0,s.parentNode.insertBefore(u,s)}i.push({el:s,config:o})})})(this,"__skimlinksBanners",document,"script"); CONTACT US | ADVERTISE ON ITM Not once does Gothel feel even a twinge of guilt for all the things she's done. Tangled: 11 Reasons Mother Gothel Is The Most Underrated Disney Villain, 10 Disney Villains That Would Make Excellent Friends, 10 Things About Disney's Tangled That Make No Sense, 5 Reasons Ursula is the scariest Disney Villain (& 5 its Tangled's Mother Gothel), 10 Disney Movies That Fans Would Love As A Live-Action Film, According to Reddit, New Lord of the Rings Movies Announced From Original Trilogy Studio, The Harry Potter Movies Cut A Lucius Malfoy Story (& Ruined A Big Plan), Steven Spielberg Is Right About Top Gun: Maverick's Success. I love this movie. During the latter half of the first season (specifically in "The Alchemist Returns" and "Secret of the Sun Drop") Eugene bursts out at King Frederic for his treatment of his own daughter. I am just puzzled by the themesof this movie, whichon one hand, has a villian whose biggest crime is committed out of selfishness, and on the other, has a hero (Flynn) who also acts out of selfishness, yet is given the chance to redeem himself. ", "Mother did say people would try and use my hair! To ensure she keeps her new magic flower hidden, Mother Gothel refuses to let Rapunzel go outside, lying and telling her the world is a dangerous place where selfish people would try to hurt her and steal her hair to use her gift for themselves, while ironically, using her for her desperate need to stay young. Its a complicated situation I just found it frustrating that Disney kind of glossed over these interesting angles. Everything is about Gothel. ", "Cassandra, what are you doing in here? In the film, we see her pretend to be Rapunzels loving and protective mother, and even prohibit her from leaving her tower, telling her that the outside world is extremely dangerous. I do like that the good guys are the one to set actions in motion, even inadvertently. Nevertheless, enjoying various recreations such as walking, meditating, playing sports, or watching movies is quite different from delicate to your passion. This is understandable, in a teenager sort of way, but if I recall correctly we never get to see Rapunzel engage with the fact that Gothel did what she did to stay alive, in the custom she had managed for centuries prior to the royals annexing the flower shed discovered. Oh wow o_O That is a very, very interesting way to look at the Tangled movie. Let us introduce you to the series of dark princesses which is created by an enthusiastic Disney fan. Hannah Owo Comments Off on Mother Gothel Made One Crucial Mistake in Tangled. Whats the deal with how Gothel is treated in Tangled. Perhaps understanding that times have changed, Disney seems to be focusing on retelling fairy tales and classical tales but with a fresher, modern twist. Not so much with Tangled. By the time Gothel's cloak finally hits the ground, only dust remains of her. As soon as Gothel gets what she wants, she's done with people and takes off whether or not she upheld her end of the deal. To her, everything she does is right, and others always owe her. You could see a lot of series in which these beauties are redrawn with different styles on the internet. Her hair was much more gray and her skin, as expected, is much more wrinkled and pale. Once, while the lonely Rapunzel was singing, a prince who was passing by heard her, and stood near the tower, seeing no way to get in. They welcome her with open arms and the end. Ive never thought of it this way and now it makes me wonder. If Rapunzel had no powers, then he would have definitely stayed dead. Which pic is your favorite? Relatives What are they? Mickey Mouses house is well-known for adapting fairy tales into animated flicks that won big from time to time, from place to place. Mother Knows Best. Unlike other Disney villains who have magic or superpowers, Mother Gothel is just an ordinary person and decides to become evil for her own sake. If the magic had stayed in the lock, Gothel wouldve gone her merry away without further disturbing the princess or the kingdom. Furthermore, moviemakers from Disney often integrated several little facts and cameos in their works. This time, they decided to call it, yes, Tangled. Part of the party line from Disney was that they considered the film a two-hander between Rapunzel and Flynn, so they didnt want just to call it Rapunzel. Another assertion is that Disney was worried that a movie called Rapunzel would not appeal to boys, and they wanted it to be a film that appealed to a broader audience. Wow o_O that is a master of making for Rapunzel 's birthday contains a. Away without further disturbing the princess or the kingdom always owe her MPAA rather than a rating. Use Rapunzels magical hair can help her maintain her Beauty very, very interesting to..., your email address will not be published Rapunzel, just so that she use... 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