ketu related business


Remember in the case of these two planets we do not have any other way without our experiences, to know about these planets. The person may indulge in smoking or tobacco dealing. They do not have ability or interest in wealth making, nor can cheat others. Baumgartner could've had a broken neck, it should've been red imo. Ketus negative influence can turn the native into a deceitful, dishonest and aggressive personality. All Right Reserved. The OXO Good Grips Egg Slicer is a simple solution for quickly and easily slicing hard-boiled eggs. The sign Pisces belongs the the guru, Jupiter, and Ketu also has dominion over it. If Ketu is in the fourth house in the birth chart of any native, then such a person earns money through business, gains profit from animal service, is interested in carrying out religious works or singing and music and is a good speaker. It drives people towards spiritualism, enlightenment, asceticism and it frees the person from the shackles of worldly desires. Ketu characteristics, Ketu astrological significance, Nature of Ketu, Ketu signs, Ketu Nakshatras, Diseases caused by Ketu, Ketu diseases, Ketu astrology, Ketu influences, Ketu gemstone. 1. . Ketu unfolds the mystery of thyself, supernatural power, moreover Ketu gives the power of healing. This aims to support the transition of the region into a digital economy and bring the benefits of digital transformation, such as faster economic growth, more jobs, and better services. When it comes to Ketu Graha Devta it is always shown in a negative perspective by many Indian Astrologers. Career-related to poisons, religious head, etc. The Below Mentioned Personal Data & Information, Conveyed To Me By Any Individual Or Individuals [Client Or Clients] Contacting Me Regarding My Vedic Astrological Consultation Services Through This Website / Any Social Media Platforms / Any Other Source Shall Be Maintained Absolutely Confidential & Private From My End :-. This planet is considered a spiritual planet in Astrology, it indicates all about spirituality as I said earlier. Rahu has temporary powers to engulf Surya, the Continue Reading Matt Jennings With a strong Sun in the horoscope, make Leaders & prestigious jobs in the administration department or political career. In General, Ketu is benefic to people born in ascendants (lagna or rising sign) of Aries (Mesha), Cancer (Karka), Scorpio (Vrischik), Sagittarius (Dhanus), Pisces (Meena). Ketu is often depicted with a gem or star on his head signifying a mysterious light. This planet is always sitting in the opposite direction of Rahu and in nature also they are poles apart. Where Rahu is always busy engaging one in the materialistic world at the same time Ketu is burning into ashes all materialism comes in its own contact. Rahu makes one a very good diplomat, person can behave in very refined and polished manner and achieve his objectives. Ketu doesnt have any own signs . Ketu supports the professions ruled by Mars like military, explosives, weaponry, defense etc. Ketu in the fifth house of a kundli makes a native a good political leader. Ketu, if placed favorably in horoscope, brings a lot of luxury, wisdom and intuition to a person. We all know in astrology, the fifth lord in natal chart indicates what to study. Planet Shani Dominating Your Kundli? You also have to keep in mind education in one subject does not mean wealth will also come from that subject. It will be related to software when it merges with Mercury and hardware when it merges with Mars. Sign Up For Our E-Mail List For - Updates, Promotions & More. one will suffer due to those selfish & egoistic deeds which at the present age it is indicating(house & planet association). (i) Clients Are Not Forced / Not Instructed / Not Ordered / Not Compelled Into Any Astrological Remedies That Is Thought To Be Appropriately Suited To Them Specifically & Particularly. It is considered to be a malefic planet that has a strong influence on the lives of individuals. Ketu also signifies self-undoing. Vastu related issues. Significance of Ketu in the Eleventh House Ketu in the eleventh house will bring an abundance of money and social height to the individual. On this note, we would like to know about the grey planet Ketu, its presence in the horoscope and its impact on our careers and professional lives. March Numerology Monthly Horoscope 2023: Is Your Moolank Among The Lucky Ones? It causes extremely angry and violent behavior. (g) Prayers / Mantras Chanting / Specific Hindu God Worship / Specific Astrological Planet Worship Etc. Ketu rules over business/jobs related to: Divinity and Healing: Doctor, priest, astrologers, occultist, pranic healers, divine healer, sages, saints, yogis, siddhas, fakirs, dealing with natural herbs/medicines, religious teachers, theology, religion, faith healers and preceptors This powerful astrological planet, when placed unfavorably, can bring a lot of problems in the life of the native. Vehicles are only moving objects on roads remaining always fixed one. However, Ketu also indicates sparks of intelligence and brilliance of the mind. Mercury4. Ketu Within The Eighth House: Vedic Zodiac. Major Vedic Remedies for Ketu. Ketu is generally referred to as a "shadow" planet. Business related to automobiles, Engineering, Technical Works, Poisonous drugs, pesticides, Fertilizers, Anesthesia, Chemical, Antibiotics, Pharmacy, Pathology, Lab Technician, Liquor, anti-social works, Fraudulent works, Occult, Mines, Smuggling, Luxurious things, Gambling, Speculations, lottery, Foreign Languages, Export & Imports. Success in IT & SOFTWARE In my 4 years of doing astrological consultations constituently I have come to see the most widely occurring combination of planets that show a successful career in IT, Software engineering or computer engineering. Rahu, being a karmic planet would show the necessity and urge to work on a specific area of life where there had been ignorance in the past life. These people try to help others without expecting anything in return. The house is generally related with children. Saturn can be pleased with the help of Mercury as Ketu and mercury represents the Sixth house. You may also like Detailed Horoscope Reading. A positively placed Ketu often results in better luck and fortune when it comes to running businesses. Ketu is the South Node that takes 18 years to travel through the zodiac just as Rahu and it stays in one sign for around 1.5 years. If any of those come under the influence of Ketu so there will be some hidden problems that can not be seen by the world apparently. In the entire database of consultation I would say over 75% of the people are from this industry. How to know if planet Ketu Benefic or Malefic in individual or mundane horoscope chart Ketu in Vedic Astrology rules over your karma balance, spirituality, religiousness, detachment of mind, Near Death Experiences (NDE), After Life, Astral Body etc. The most ideal professions and businesses related to Saturn are iron, coal mines, petrol, black stones, building materials, oil, disease, and death. On the one hand, Ketu represents our attachment . Will possess ability to foresee events that can happen in future. They try to project themselves as honest persons. High imagination power, Luck in multiple businesses, ability to make money anytime from any source, philanthropy, simple lifestyle, true sanyasi (monk) to the heart, vast knowledge about multiple sciences and history. The idea of the character comes from the books of Palmer Cox. This no-fuss Slicer yields perfect 5 mm slices with one simple press. (c) BIG & ELABORATE POOJAS / HOMAS Are Not Recommended As Remedial Measures At Home Or Temples Unnecessarily For Every Problem / Matter / Issues Of Clients Unless Strongly Insisted By The Clients. Ketu is called the planet of separations and is known the separate the native from the significations of the house it is sitting in. Your email address will not be published. Will utilize all oppurtunities that come across. Most of them will become fake-babas in their middle age. 2. But this talent does not work for you. Ketu represents egoistic and selfish related deeds in the past life. . There can be similar issues causing unrest in the business. ElementsZodiac SignSign LordInfluenceFireAries,Leo,SagittariusMars Sun JupiterActionThey are very Authoritative. After judging many horoscopes to date, what knowledge I have gathered I will share with you only and side by side I will add some of them which our Maharshis have told us about these two planets. (h) Visits To Few Powerful Temples Are Recommended As Per The Time / Travel / Financial Conveniences Of The Clients As Remedial Measures Depending On The Interest / Inclination / Conveniences Of The Client. Of these nine planets (Navagrahas), seven are physically existing; Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, whereas two are physically non-existent; Rahu and Ketu. What is the reason behind this? Ketu does bestow mis-happenings in life but with the intention of future emancipation. In the1980s,the underlying justice of manyjob evaluation schemes wasstill inquestion, as it was argued that many schemes unfairly rated typically masculine job characteristics, such asheavy lifting, to a high degreeandtended to undervalue the softercaring skills fundamental to manyfemale dominated occupations. Ketu in the eleventh house provides the desired victories. They believe that one should lead a simple life, but think high. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Effects of Rahu Benefic or Malefic in Horoscope, KalaSarpa Dosha or Yoga Mystic Powers and Effects, Effects of Jupiter Benefic or Malefic in Horoscope, Effects of Saturn Benefic or Malefic in Horoscope, 2015 Financial Predictions for Moon Signs, Prophetic Dreams of King Bimbisara in 19th century BCE, Trojan War is Brihaspati-Tara-Chandra story, Origin of Lunar Dynasty, World before start of Satya (Krita) Yuga, Solar Dynasty and Beyond. (a) GEM STONES / YANTRAS Are Absolutely Not Recommended As Remedial Measures Unless Strongly Insisted By The Clients. He said he would initiate various training schemes for traders, artisans and people in the transport business to make their enterprises self-sustaining. It is the house of transformations, mystery, magic, wealth, accidents, gains, health, setbacks and so on As for Ketu, it is the planet which signifies saturation with all that is mundane and material and the shift towards spirituality. All Rights Reserved. They will have few good friends and many followers. Jupiter gives the knowledge of traditional scripture or religious knowledge but what Ketu gives that is full liberation, it helps to reach the ultimate truth. Effects and Significance Of Ketu In Astrology A Planet Of Mystery: In Horoscope/ Kundli: Ketu, in other words, the south node. Ketu7. The entire nakshatra is in the detailed oriented sign Virgo; therefore the energy of Virgo is strong in this nakshatra. For Ketu related troubles: Worshipping Lord Ganesha will be effective remedy. Jupiter represents philosophy and psychology and all professions related to them . Such a person is artistic by nature and works in the areas related to drama, entertainment, music, dance, Stock Market and so on. (2)(3)(4) According to accounts in Hinduism, Ketu belongs to Jaimini Gotra, whereas Rahu is from Paiteenasa gotra; hence the two are entirely different entities with distinct characteristics but nonetheless are two parts of a common body. They may work hard but the results would not be satisfactory. Would you be able to know where and what he is looking at, what are his expressions, what is he thinking? Dunno, or Know-Nothing or Ignoramus (Russian: , Neznayka that is Don'tknowka (ka - the Russian suffix here for drawing up the whole name in a cheerful form); from the Russian phrase " " ("ne znayu", don't know) is a character created by Soviet children's writer Nikolay Nosov. So let us try and understand why Saturn is one of the most significant planets and how it affects the zodiac as it changes the houses, careerwise. Positive Traits/Impact: The 8th house is also considered to be malefic just like the 6th and 12th houses. Besides, theyve already a propensity for the spiritual and metaphysical realms. They may not pay heed to luxuries and worldly comforts. If it is in the favourable state, the native gets auspicious results from the planet Ketu. Here you have to understand the difference between Rahu & Ketu representation. But often it deprives a person of happiness. Such natives work in the field or ministry associated with criminals, spies, secret forces etc. Misunderstandings and fears would be prevalent in life. It also brings sudden and unforeseen transformations in one's life. They will try to exhibit patriotism and pickup fights with anyone who does not support their views. Although Ketu is not always a cause of suffering, but it is also an inspiration to walk on the path of salvation, religion. - One friends will not give support. Career-related to poisons, religious head, etc. (a) Total Confidentiality Shall Be Maintained On Matters / Problems / Issues / Details Of The Clients Pertaining To The Astrological Consultation Offered To The Clients. Please help me find it. Today we are going to discuss on ketu. When it comes to accessories, wearing a red coral gemstone gives relief from malefic Mars. In such a situation, if you too are looking for a career suitable for you according to the planets present in your horoscope, then the AstroSage special CogniAstro Report can help you with this. Mantra and Yoga Siddhi will be experienced early in life, which will be utilized for benefit of others. The 12th house of Ketu is usually considered positive in a horoscope. It is mentioned that if Ketu occupies the 12th from Atma-karaka Lagna or ascendant in D-9 so the person will get liberation in the present life. Your email address will not be published. Vedic astrology believes that donation is the best way to get rid of the negative effects of planets. Ketu is considered a worldly malefic and spiritual benefice, as it causes sorrow and loss, which ultimately turns the individual to god. To strengthen Ketu, you should worship Lord Ganesha and offer him Durva grass (Lord Ganesha's favourite) and recite Shri Ganapati Atharvashirsha Stotra. Besides this, Ketu represents Isolation, Separation, Spirituality, Mystical World, Other Dimension means things related to Alien World, also represents Son, Dog, Intuition, Research Ability, Curious Nature, things which we have already achieved in past life and not much concerned to perform in this life. Reciting Ganesha Dwadasanama Stotra. However, in terms of astrology, Rahu means a lot. Part of the agenda is organizing the yearly event Western Balkans Digital Summit (WBDS), each year in different members country. They are driven towards spirituality and liberation. Vedic Scriptures hold him as Tamasik and malefic in nature, but not as malefic as Rahu. Sun Sun represents Soul, Personality, King, Government, Father, Authority, Career, Top Positions, Ego, Self Esteem, Health, Education etc. The planet Rahu (just like the planet Ketu) is very different from the other seven planets. A positively placed Ketu often results in better luck and fortune when it comes to running businesses. It is believed that Planet Ketu extends its influence on the soles of the feet. Ketu rules over the following sectors of Stock Market : - Power - Leather and footwear - IT - Crude Oils - Oil and Gas - Pharmaceuticals - Coal - Infrastructure - Realty - Automobile Sector Ketu has the affinity to the following commodity and metals : - Crude oil - Coal - Copper - Iron and Steel Planetary transits determine the bullish and Jupiter also represents biology, so doctors can also be seen . To know the highest truth about reality of existence, purpose behind the creation of this cosmos and ability to live as a free soul in this world one needs help and blessings of Ketu Graha Devta! Pujya Guru Ji have a vast and diverse Knowledge of Spirituality, Astrological Science, Yantra, Mantra, Tantra, Meditation etc. Like Rahu, this planet is also mysterious to many people. HOROSCOPE / KUNDALI / JATAKA - Reading & Analysis. Copyright 2022, This dominion rules over love, romance, sex, pleasure, creativity, and intelligence. Mr Agbanyo said 2024 offered a new dawn for Ketu North, saying he was ready to give his all to transform the Municipality with opportunities for the young, medieval and the old and urge the . We keep use thumb rule example. (3) Reject Offering Of My Consultation Service. On this note, we would like to know about the grey planet Ketu, its presence in the horoscope and its impact on our careers and professional lives. These latter examples broadly represent those para-medical occupations witha longer history, although processes of occupational specialization over thesecond half of thiscentury have created groupsas diversein character as clinical psychologists and hospitalphysicists. Ketu in the tenth house pays for achievement in the native's profession. Mars5. Sun, karaka of kingship gives good knowledge of politics and public sector. Ketu can give them independent Raja Yoga. Whatever the case, the results will be influenced by Jupiter and Saturn as well. Pishacha Yoga: Mars + Ketu. The raised handle is easy to open and close and the non-slip base provides a . Ketus sign is Pisces as Rahus is Virgo. success in business, construction of reservoirs etc. It is a malefic planet but not as malefic as Rahu. Ketu is often depicted with a gem or star on his head signifying a mystery light. Examinations are carried out on the location of various planets in a persons horoscope, as they have a profound effect on ones life. Effects of Ketu Benefic in your Horoscope. Business related to all types of metals, manufacturing, Job Work, Sub Contractor, Laborer, Architectural, Civil Work, Constructional Work, building materials, plumbing, Business related to all types of labor works, Justice, Cements, Mines, Coals, Archeology, Research Work, Finance, Economics, Whole seller, Malls & Super Markets, Provision Store, Grass, Farming, Land Developing, Banking, Packaging, Carpenter, Shoe Cobbler, Business related to elementary knowledge, Oil, petrol, Gasoline, Crude Oil, Civil, Mechanical Work, Chartered Accountant, Commerce Field, Shares, Stock and Commodity.

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