balanced essentials liquid vitamin for speech delay


Would this combo help her in any way? He is 9 now and doing much better then I could have imagined those first couple years after his diagnosis. My daughter is 4years old. Also, I was under the impression 400 ius of bit. I just have my kids chew them. is this a good dosage . Really! Thanks. My physician is also not savvy on supplements, but I attended a seminar with Kelly Dorfman, a pediatric internationalist and she is the one who recommended the supplements, I figure if anyone would know the risks it is someone like her and she recommended them for children like ours. I am so thankful I found this on pinterest! It has a great flavor but leaves a strong vitamin after taste. In just one ounce daily, Balanced Essentials delivers Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, Omegas, and a Fruit & Vegetable Blend providing balanced nutrition for optimal health, performance, and energy. He has severe speech apraxia on top of autism, OCD, ADHD. Isnt she the best! She started to use long sentences and had better memory. Do you do this once per day? My daughter was diagnosised with Apraxia 9 months ago. My son is allergic to dairy but has a speech delay (hes 2). Hopefully going to try this asap. Hi, I came across this page when I was researching BE. (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//','ga'); ga('create', 'UA-43617511-1', ''); ga('send', 'pageview'); Instead of just vitamin E, the speak formula uses Gamma E . Can you please inform me on what am I missing? Do you have any suggestions for it? But yeah, thanx for spending time to talk about this issue here on your blog. If it would mean giving your child 2-3 capsules you may want to run it by your pediatrician. Nothing has changed or have gotten better. My sons speech is much better, he still struggles with some articulation issues. My son is on speak and we have seen gains. Thank you for the reply Maria. Me want wa-er peese We couldnt believe the improvement. This liquid vitamin is giving me so much hope, Im hoping it works for him. Our field is built on evidence based practice for a reason. How long does a child have to be on this combo? Are you still giving the supplements? How did u get urs? We are not, but we used it until just a few years ago (so we used it for about ten years, until I felt that I could transition them to Animal Parade chewable vitamins), Your email address will not be published. So wonderful to hear about your son! I bought this because I heard how people said it was helping their children with speech. Delivering 138 vital nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, omegas, and a potent blend of fruits & vegetables, Fights free radical damage and prevents oxidative stress on the body, Provides support for bone, muscle, heart, and brain function, Enhances immunity to help repair DNA damage from toxin exposure. Hope that helps! My superpower is taking ordinary recipes and making them DELICIOUS. In Kellys book, she did mention the benefit for taking PC for improving speech delay so I just wonder is PPC a pure form of PC? hi Free shipping. Thankyou, could your son say words before using this product did he take anything else or just this I ran across a blog online stating that this liquid vitamin will help with speech delay. In only 1/2oz daily, Balanced Essentials Kids delivers an extraordinary amount of the essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and amino acids that your child needs! We have been giving Vitamin E (400iu) (4 types of Tocopherols) and Cod Liver Oil 1000mg (Nordic Naturals). Does the Phoscol give dosage for kiddos? Were in South Africa so buying on amazon is an option for us! Hello! Hi Carolyn, Thank you. 18 amino acids. hi becky did it take your sons sensory issues away for good what type of sensory did he have thankyou. Ive tried a few supplements with my daughter, as well as a GFCF diet. I cant wait to see the benefits! Im trying to see if I should go with the liquid or the chewable you recommended or possibly rotate the 2. Hopefully we just keep on trucking along! G Goli Nutrition Math College If you are concerned about the High Vitamin e you may want to talk to your pediatrician or switch to using separate fish oil and vitamin e instead of the speak smooth. . I can tell you what I gave my son, 1 tsp of phoscol and 1 vitamin e capsule squeezed out and 1 1/2 tsp of fish oil. Please give me your suggestions as I am trying many supplements since last 4 years and nothing has worked. We use a medicine syringe to inject his supplements into a Kiju Orange/Mango juice box. Im not sure, but as long as it is a complete vitamin e it should be fine. 3 months ago if you asked him to say mama, he would scream at you in the face in frustration. As he got older i would just give it to him to chew or swallow since the flavor wasnt bad. Before he would not even look in your direction when you call his name. I am eager to try this with our 3 year old son. We still have work to do on articulation and grammar, but he is speaking incredibly well. Its killing me to work with him on these, but I know in a few months or a year he will all of the sudden have it if we keep it up even though it seems pointless right now. Come cook with me, I promise it will be amazing! I am having trouble finding correct dosage recommendations for the phos chol. Free shipping. also it has the vitamin e of 2iu 5%. They have really helped both of my sons. I was reading through comments on the product on Amazon and a few had mentioned. Any tips for giving it to him? We are seeing loss of gain in speak, receptiveness. . You can learn more by reading Kelly Dorfmans book. His Speech is highly impacted. I currently use Animal Parade but will try the Balanced Essentials. I dont know, honestly. Hi Becky, thanks a lot for sharing. Do you have any tips for getting young children to swallow Vitamin E capsules, or do you just empty the contents yourself. I CANNOT wait until the moment he starts eating real food. Still only takes it mixed in juice. colleague who had been doing a little research on this. My daughter is 4 year old with very less speech. It has a very berry flavor, but when mixed with milk it almost makes it taste like a strawberry shake. Do you know if taking this combo will affect her eplipesy negatively? I really cant believe the improvement we have seen. I have not personally read anything that 400 ius can be dangerous for kids, but that doesnt mean it may not be. i started with 10 ml and gradually increased to 30 ml (1 oz) in his juice because he didnt like the taste at first. TIA. Its always best to consult a pediatrician when starting a new regimen of supplements. It would be best to check with a nutritionist. It was expensive to get two bottles at once but you get MUCH more for your money because it is a big bottle and lasts for months. How is your son doing now? ), Best Lent Ideas : What to give up for Lent,, Dr Seuss Snacks (Perfect for Read Across America Week! 2years and 4 months and he only says the first few letters of about 4 words. We didnt know about the benefits of these supplements and start them with our son until he was four. I will be using capsules. Hi Maria, My Son 5yrs have sever apraxia. I have order it a month ago and today I have receive it. This liquid nutritional supplement is designed to replace outdated supplementation programs that include up to 5-10 pills a day by leveraging the nutrients in their most bioavailable form. As far as the delay goes, using a straw for foods like applesauce can help to strengthen her oral muscles. I like your article. Because I am 54 year old. Thanks . Do you have any suggestion about which supplements I have to take? Description. This is what our doctor suggested when we started it, but Id double check with your pediatrician. Lowest price for Balanced Essentials Liquid Vitamins is 29. Her group also recommends a small amount of omega 6 (GLA) 70mg. It has been fantastic for him and for all of our kids. I have to give in the evening so it doesnt interfere with his medication. Our liquid vitamin delivers vital nutrients, replacing outdated supplementation products such as gummies and chewables. Yes I have always given him the phoscol with his other supplements in the morning. We like this one: (kids) I give my son one capsule of the vitamin e pictured on this post. He is 12 and weighs about 130lbs. I will certain get one and helpfully it will has a greater effect on my little one. Thanks a lot, once again for sharing! I would check with a doctor or pharmacist and get their opinion. He has over a year waiting list and is currently not even taking new patients, but we happened to get in four years ago when he had an opening. Any risk of overdosing or toxicity with these suppliments? Thank you!! Hi! Heaven Sent - Wellgenix Balanced Essentials Liquid Vitamin Very Berry - 32 fl. Thanks for sharing this. Im going to see if I can get her to take this combo. I bought these vitamins for my 3 year old son. Does this mean that I can use the speak smooth alone for my son? But for the most part people can understand about 80 percent of what he says. There are a couple different options you can do for the fish oil. My daughter has ADHD and a mild speech delay at times. We use this as a family for our vitamin. Me wa-er when he needed a drink. We just do 1 oz. The phos col is just one more element that strengthens the pathways in the brain. Other Benefits. And build up to. Ratings and Reviews. Content and photographs are copyright protected. Good luck. Specially formulated with beauty and wellness in mind, these gummies allow your glow to radiate from the inside out! do this sound about the same as the dha one that you are recommending . I dont know the exact ingredients in the speak smooth. He was said things like ar nder tee meaning car under tree, he is turning three and I want to help him catch up. I started him on the proepa/proefa combination suggested by the cherab foundation and we have seen gains. Hi, how old was your son when you gave him the Balance Essential? We are about to start vitamin E. I will also add Phoscol soon. Most of the tummies and things have very little in them, I found we had to order liquid to get the amounts in a smaller dose. Good luck to you, I hope that your son will see an increase as you continue the supplements. Couldnt be farther from my belief. Whereas kids can have upto 700mg each day. It does not have phoscol in it. Hi there, Speak Smooth combines the Omega-3s and vitamin E together. But he doesnt look he dont eat, but I should know. Hi Maria, Thank you so much for sharing this. Hi, 10 Phytonutrient Rich Plants. The only thing that seems to be too strong in the juicer is celery. Hi, glad that I came across this blog. However, when we first started the supplements I gave him half of his dose of fish oil (We were using Speak Smooth at the time) in the morning half in the afternoon for a few weeks per the instructions that came with the Speak Smooth. Supplements for immune support and speech delays. Buy Balanced Essential Multivitamin 32 oz Liquid & other Multivitamins Supplements. She suffers from GDD. I also think it is cheaper to source the items yourself. If your child is picky or if you notice any sort of delay, this worked wonders and I order it (I currently have two bottles in our fridge- so that we dont run out! I am a teacher turned play therapist and stay at home Mom. I just saw this blog. Had heard others have given this to their children and it worked for them, Im a true believer these vitamins have helped. I want to give supplements to my son because his diet isnt the best and he has a delay in speech. Planning on starting this week. Sorry! I will let you know how it goes : ). Is your son getting better from the beginning after using this supplement . How is your little one doing now? When we switched to the Nordic naturals fish oil I started giving him one vitamin e capsule with his other supplements 400 IU. Hi Becky! He has never before tried to have a conversation with us but he now is. He LOVED the taste of the Speak Smooth (It taste sort of like an orange creamsicle) but Thatcher is a big boy (90 lb 5 year old) and the amount of Speak he needed everyday was an extra 100+ calories that we didnt think we could justify when he could get the same supplement (just not as tasty) with the liquid strawberry flavored Nordic Naturals, which has very few calories. ), I keep two in my refrigerator because I do not want to run out! Your family will LOVE these meals! He is nine now and has come so far. She had epilepsy. 94 Vital Nutrients Hi! Can i use the NN complete, ultimate or PRO EFA. You mention about the chewable vitamin to see at the bottom, but there is nothing about a chewable vitamin or the rest of the post I saw before at the bottom. We have been blessed and incredibly grateful for the Speech Therapists that have worked with our son. We saw immediate results from this vitamin. I have one question regarding to the PPC. However I feel he is stuttering a lot. Hes now picking up on his development skills, knows his ABCs, can identify the letters and numbers. He also told me NOT to use the store-bought chewable vitamins that everyone gets because many of them dont get absorbed properly and they contain dyes & additives, which is not good for our childrens growing bodies and brains. Youll need to ask a doctor. You will keep seeing progress. Sure to generate your bowels nice and healthy and clean! A month on them and his vocabulary has just been growing so much. When did u see change in your son how long did it take? I wanted to share thissupplement that I SWEAR BY is Balanced Essential for our kids. I, also, have a 10 daughter with autism and language processing issues. Also am giving kirkmans super nu thera which has 15 iu of vit E which is 50% of the daily allowance. Others sent me articles on how the people who created it are just doing it to get gain. My son was taking 4 ts (total 60 ml) Nordic Omega 3 fish oil per day uptp last week. My waits 55lbs and his doctor suggested to start with 2.5ml first . Hi I just want also to share my story with this vitamin,. Good luck! Over all, these vitamins are well made, taste good, and are a good value! Omega 3,6,9 But along with these diet GFCF and therapies can be home based therapies and massages will surely help. I am so sorry to hear that you had a stroke. Not sure about phoscol and vitamin e how much to be given. He is doing awesome! My dd is 22 months and just says about 2 words. Best Tasting Liquid Vitamin on the market. I hope that it works for you- we still use it (its been about 5 years). Did he begin to talk straight away did he start with words ? I used it anyway. I am posting about it here for anyone else who may be looking for information on supplements for children with apraxia. Hope it works, Thank you so much for sharing. Combined with speech therapy the supplements made a big difference for our son. ! We have started Speak Smooth (1ts 15ml) per day and Phoscol (1/2 ts 2.5ml) per day , since a week back. and whats the reason you switched to the other stuff likw vitamin e etc?? Just checking.. Im from South Africa too. Hi Maria, They dont have any flavor and then they spit out the casing. I will start with 10ml for my 18 month old. Sharing of this article is encouraged and appreciated, copying and/or pasting articles to any social media is strictly prohibited. Any recommended combinations? It was recommended to me to only do the one dose. I have felt that struggle often in this whole process, but What it comes down to for me, is that this combination of supplements is really helping him, and these years where his brain is still growing and forming are really important. Best to check with a nutritionist e capsules, or do you know if taking this combo months he... 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