avengers fanfiction peter saves the world


", He jumps as a female voice resonates throughout the hallway. Tony's not sure whether to punch him or hug him. Peter didn't get quite what he wanted with Tony. Hey, Mr. Stark, see that empty rental place on the corner?, There are alien weapons in there. Think, think, think. He knew exactly what his senses were screaming at him for. Tony winces at the words before he can stop himself, but keeps his face carefully blank and impassive. "Also," he adds as an afterthought. But this spellcaster appears to be so unskilled that they didnt put an exit point in the nightmare. Peter struggles with facing life from the school bullies to living with his billionaire guardian to even going. Now he just has to deal with the consequences. Please consider turning it on! Peter takes them in and helps raise them with Mj and the avengers. Also, civil war didn't happen. They had been close couple of times. ", Sam snaps his book closed. He gazed out the window letting his mind wander. Steve snaps into action, moving forward to stand between Bucky and the younger. Tony makes it through the final battle, but nothing comes without a price. Cha c sn phm trong gi hng. Happy glances at Peter. Happy brushes past him and into the building, Peter nearly tripping over his own shoes as he follows him. Peter swallows hard, trying to swallow down his emotions that threaten to drown him. Sam asks incredulously. But you said it was a family emergency. Strange looked like he was suppressing an eye roll. Natasha Romanov AKA Black Widow While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. I'll make it two. You should try yoga., As much as Id love to hear the rest of this conversation, a dry voice says into Peters ear, I think I requested you for backup, Spider-Man., Peter, about to shoot a web to continue towards the rising smoke, yelped and and fell right off the forty-story building in surprise. However, faced with this decision, his life or the world's his life or his familys, the answer was obvious. Im so sorry Peter. Peter drops down to the ground, running in the undergrowth behind the houses to avoid any witnesses that could track him to his home. He did take the time to wonder how Tony got a car customized in his Stark colors. Cool. The two stepped through and were instantly in the Avengers Tower. God what are you doing in high school?, Well I dont know. The last thing Peter sees is Mr Stark and an orange sky. Whys there a kid on our comm link? Peter heard a distinctly female voice ask. Yeah, Mr. Stark. Im on my way., What were you doing on anever mind. Wha-Why are we going in here? asked Peter as Strange gently pushed him in. done. Cha c sn phm trong gi hng. Tony sits down beside her, keeping a respectful distance from her as he waits patiently for her to calm down. They'll be back in a few days." Also sexism bc the omegaverse sexist af for no reason.____________________Peter was adopted by Tony Stark by age 14. "Hey everyone." Mr. In other words, everyone is happy and I am happy because of everyone's friendship. Not quite laughing, but giggling, suppressed and high-pitched. "I'll take you there." Is he okay? He should probably start getting used to it soon. Well then. Everyone knows Peter isn't an average 15 year old boy- he is way stronger and smarter than average.If he snapped rather than Tony, how would things have changed? Peter protests. He shot a web to a building across the street and stumbled onto the roof of it. Wanting to know what they were keeping from him, he sneaks into the tower after overhearing Tony talking about a meeting that no one told Peter about. Mrs. Witch. Peter stared at Dr. She looks over Happy's shoulder. That's fine. Notes: I know, I know, I need to be finishing Bend or Break, and I WILL I PROMISE I SWEAR. There was a rap on the classroom door. Of course hed gotten an A; which meant post mission/ post quiz ice cream run. Despite having fought with Tony Stark and owning a suit under the billionaire's name, it occurs to him that he had never been here before; only to what would soon be the new Headquarters after his leave. Seriously? This was the day Peter would lose his life as Spiderman and his freedom. Before he even registered, he pushed his books into his bag and had slung it across his back. Steve Rogers AKA Captain America Some comments from under the original fic by ru17 gave me this idea. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY FIC, OrenjiiPH! 3. Finally, they laid on Peter. Trying to adjust and help his city out is starting to take a toll on Peter. ainsley seiger parents; how many people died in the salem witch trials; chicken and mushroom suet pudding recipe; les noms musulmans selon les jours de naissance But you gotta tell me whats happening to them.Wanda opened her mouth to respond but Dr. Tony Stark AKA Iron Man I mean yeah I was you age when I was in college, but still. He has been fighting Thanos since that time and he had been beaten up pretty badly. ", Tony throws his hands up in mock surrender. What I mean is that this is really advanced stuff. The sound of a phone ringing shook Peter out of his daydream. "Um, how was it today? Peter its good to see you. Peter tried to smile. Then Deadpool and a half-eaten chimichanga show up, and the rest is history. Suddenly the elevator doors opened. Uh, Stark? How far out are you?, Im here. Peter announced, catching sight of Hawkeye with his signature bow, firing down into the mob that had become East Houston. Spider-Man was an allusive person to get hold of, only appearing for the big fights when needed, and only helping 'the little guy'- as he put it. Stark! Peter said indignantly as he swung around the grouped-together men (that was stupid, he wasSpider-Man!). He places a hand on the gun, slowly guiding it down to point at the floor. Father Figure Peter did as he was told. Oh, crap!, Peter flung himself off the building, making a beeline for the fallen Captain America. She furrows her eyebrows. T-minus uh, yeah, Im here. He waved brightly at the clustered criminals who were brandishing their automatic weapons at the trapped and unconscious Captain. Peter asks, but Happy's already disappearing behind the elevator doors. The man looked the classroom with sharp eyes. Please consider turning it on! Thank you for coming Doctor. The only change s that Spiderman has been working as an Avenger since Age of Ultron. Penny Parker finally catches a break, even if she doesn't realize it yet. But THEN some weird stuff happens and suddenly he's the Avengers' bodyguard. Peter peers up at the slightly daunting building. Never in all the time he's had a metal arm has someone told him it was awesome. Oh of course he can go. This work isn't hosted on the Archive so this blurb might not be complete The white light is back, but its not comforting anymore. He receives various noises of agreement, and is about to stand up from his spot on the smaller couch when the elevator dings, causing everyone in the room to freeze. He knelt next to the fallen Captain, trying to ignore the worried demands of his teammates. Reaching his floor, he peeks into his bedroom window. Looking around, Peter spotted the elevator and walked over. I think I need to take this phone call. Peter made to get up. The fight was overthe rest of the Avengers had seemingly taken care of all the bad guys and secured the Chitauri weapons. Oh shit. I'm doing this instead of studying for my history final. From across the battlefield, his eyes meet Tony's. It's almost (?) Steve pushed him too far and now Peter's had enough. Code for, I'll find another way to avoid this question later. For as long as I had known, I wanted nothing more than to kill you with my own hands because of what you took from mefrom us. Prompt: "One of the Avengers accidentally hurts Peter and Tony is furious, so not only is Peter badly hurt but another member of the team is stricken with serious guilt." ?, Don't READ. Things go down just about as you'd expect. Peter hides behind his mask because he is afraid to lose anyone else. ', Hawkeyes eyes widened and he cursed. Well see how long this magic failure lasts up against a real sorcerer.. The man turned to her. left kudos on this work. Completely ignoring Tony, she strides back over, approaching the younger boy and resting a gentle hand on his shoulder. A lot of the Avengers had fought against him in Berlin, so none were too happy with the idea of figuring out just how young the boy really was and acknowledge that they had lost to someone younger than them. 387 guests "I meant someone who could actually keep you in check, not a sidekick who would encourage you to go out every afternoon saving the day." The couch and over fluffed chairs have all been pushed into a corner. "Yeah, I know." Wanda watches wordlessly as the billionaire disappears behind the doorframe. What he didn't deserve was to keep losing his people. The gauntlet falls into Peters hands on the battlefield, and instead of passing it on, he snaps. He's got to learn new facets of his nature, things he never imagined he would face, and he needs to hide from the people that would take him and his new power and turn it into a weapon. They are not. But the room looks nothing like how Peters seen it. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He widened his eyes and stared at his mentor in absolute fear. Then everything went black. 5. Stark! Peter cried and carefully picked his was over to his mentors side. You're losing control again." Aside from Tony, Happy, and the nice lunch lady that stops by often, he doesn't really have anyone else. Clark. Something dark inside the Avengers change that day, a new dark lust glinted into their eyes and mind. Doctor Strange was hard to recognize without his telltale red cape but this was the Sorcerer Supreme. Oh, wait. He pretended to rub his nonexistent beard in thought before lashing out again. 01 Como te extraa mi cama de la #LatinStarkerWeek2021. Because that counter spell I just cast should have woken up the God of Thunder here. His heart had to be beating because Rhodey hadn't said anything. He remembers us.. If you don't want me to, then I don't have t", "No!" From inside the car, he can only make out the bottom of the massive 'A' that's plastered against the top of the Tower. Typical.. Peter followed close behind. Hey, chill, Cap. Peter told him, reaching out for the chunk of rock. "Oh! Sometimes he forgot just how young Peter was. It could be anything. Steve and Wanda both stiffen noticeably at the youth of the stranger. Peter presses his face against the glass walls of the elevator, watching the streets beneath them as they begin their ascend. no, If you tag this as starker I will stomp you to death with my hooves, The Space in Between (lost treasure, found again), Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) & Tony Stark, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker & Pepper Potts & Tony Stark, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Mary Parker & Natasha Romanov & Yelena Belova, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark are Siblings (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Peter Parker and Morgan Stark are Siblings, also this is a weird story so the tags dont exist, Natasha Romanov and Mary Parker are Sisters, and also yelena belova but shes only mentioned, YALL PETER LOST A MOTHER AS WELL AS TWO DADS WHY DOES EVERYONE FORGET MARY FUCKING PARKER, Thoughts That Could Be Perceived As Suicidal, Peter Is Still Vulnerable Though Powerful, when god takes you back (he'll say hallelujah, you're home). I'm sure you saw it." What's up?". Work Search: Actually, no one does. "Tony said no magic," Bucky calls from the corner. I mean, baby steps, right? FRIDAY, get this thing off me.. I'll explain later." I'm an orphan again (Spider-Man fanfic), The Avengers (Marvel movies)-all media types, Spider-man Homecoming (Tom Holland movies), Peter Parker is a sweet innocent angel who deserves all the love and attention in the world, Quiero que sepas que nunca voy a dejarte (porque soy la Sra.Stark), James "Bucky" Barnes/Peter Parker/Steve Rogers, I Needed the BATHROOM but I'll take the job, Peter has had his powers for several years now, Idea that was based on a fanfiction.net fanfic, Tony is the first one who initiates the kiss kiss with petey, You get more Andrew Spidey sassTM than Tom Holland sass, They're actually kinda creepy with how possesive they are, He's a bit of a douche to start but he's my fav character so he doesn't stay that way for long, Characters are from different tv shows/movies/comics, Really understand that this is basically the Avengers being fuckbuddies with peter, Abandoned Work - Unfinished and Discontinued, tbh the avengers are actually pretty sweet, ig i really wanted people to know that this isn't a platonic relationship thing, Clint Barton/Peter Parker/Natasha Romanov, James "Bucky" Barnes/Peter Parker/Tony Stark, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Pre-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), avengers are awful but they're not murderers, peter parker/bucky barnes/sam wilson/steve rogers, Heaven Is In The Red Fog (Gee Thanks Thanos! Work Search: Peter's momentarily blinded by the amount of white in the room. - Mentions of SUICIDAL IDEOLOGY - this is brief and vague, it only mentioned as what could be a consequence of a life-altering accident. They had made plans to head to Neds after school and hang; to try and lift Peters spirits a little from not getting to go on the mission. identity reveals are my favorite :))ft: irondad, peter parker being a Dumbass, the acadec team (bc i love them), and mj & peter & ned friendship.disclaimer: i do not own marvel, nor the universe or their characters that i use here.enjoy!! He keeps his voice low. What happens if it all ends at Infinity War- If Peter Parker had gotten the Gauntlet off of Thanos on the planet Titan? Peter wonders briefly what they're fore, before they stop in front of one of the doors, with his name in small block letters on the door. Has anyone at the hospital woken up yet? Wanda shook her head. I will add more tags as the story goes on. The world watches with bated breaths, as for a moment, Peter Parker wields the power of the gods. and something that stupid doesnt even begin to cover., During the final fight against Thanos, Peter was the one to snap his fingers and turned the enemy to dust. Nevertheless, hed swung over to the Williamsburg Bridge and avoided the congestion building up at both ends by swinging underneath the structure. "You can rest now, baby. Peter Parker saves The Avengers PassibleLightning Summary: When the Avengers are attacked and thrown into their own nightmares, the only ones who can save them is Peter Parker and Dr. "But Ned already knows about Spider-Man!" He lets out a short huff of breath, looking up at the ceiling when Wanda finishes, and he starts, "The first time we met, the kid told me something that stuck with me for a while. Chapter 1: Windex Prank "This is going to be the best prank in the history of pranks." Shuri snickered, watching Peter pour out the windex from the bottle. And then Tony realizes what she's doing. My stepdad will beat me if he ever sees this.READ TAGS PLEASE. Turning back to Peter, he speaks in a soft, fond voice that Steve never realized Tony was capable of. More like made me fall off a skyscraper, Peter told him as he hopped off the roof and began swinging towards his destination again. God, a little warning next time. Peter muttered as he resumed going again. They all thought they same thing at the same time This is Our Omega. "Calm down, guys. World of Consequences Chapter 1, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction Despite Tony Stark's love for the spotlight, he was not an easy man to track down. Strange nodded. Peter really couldnt afford another detention. He heard the Avengers chatter switch to background noise as his AI kicked in. peter is tonys son IronDad and SpiderSon Peter Snaps Peter uses the gauntlet Hurt Peter Parker peter kills thanos Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure Peter dies Summary Endgame spoiler au Basically if peter got to the gauntlet before tony or thanos did Series Part 16of Tony is an amazing dad Language: English Words: 1,128 Chapters: I swear, one of the security guards was singing the national anthem while patrolling. He's just not entirely prepared for the cost to his own body and mind. His teacher gave him a stern glare. Show it to anyone who asks." This takes place after Age of Ultron but before Civil War when everyone is still friends. 2. For a moment he felt like he was floating and then he felt like was being plunged in ice water. This takes place after Age of Ultron but before Civil War when everyone is still friends.

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