who is david diga hernandez


They manipulated the scriptures to continue perpetuating the LIE of an eternal everlasting hell. He continues his fallacious conquest for justifying an afterlife by quoting Isaiah 57:2 from the New Living Bible Translation; Isaiah 57:2 For those who follow godly paths will rest in peace when they die. God is LIKE a consuming fire in certain ways. But I . A persons reality is only interpreted and understood through the mind based on ones life experiences and circumstances. If this is what you want, Lord, confirm it through Benny Hinn.. We are building a TV Studio andacquiringnew TV equipment to launch a regularly scheduled program on JCTV. As for universalist rolling their eyes, Id rather roll to the Ezekiel 16:43-55; But first, because you have not remembered your youth but have angered me by doing all these evil things, I will fully repay you for all of your sins, says the Sovereign Lord. He told me that I would be used in the healing ministry, be known among the nations and carry a heavy mantle of the anointing on my life. Video here Pay close attention to how each line of the English words in the KJV are linked to the corresponding Greek word that it was translated from. I dont think we really grasp the depths of depravity that is the nature of sin. The breath of life or Gods spirit was breathed into man to make him become a living being. Imagine spanking a young child forever. Is that not a matter of time? Gods standard of righteousness is not the problem it is YOU and your entire corrupt religion that commits blasphemy of the Holy Spirit by assigning such rank evil to the Almighty. You need to enable JavaScript to access Word's website. If time didnt apply before the creation of the world, WHEN did God create the world? Maybe, but ultimately Id guess it would be to serve the greatest cause. Malachi 3:2 But who can endure the day of His coming? Currently, he is one of the highly sought-out evangelists in the United States. God bless u richly, abundantly, and use you globally. My spirit needed to connect with the depths of Jesus. What Christianity fails to understand is that God has a PLAN and instead of Christianity trying to understand Gods plan, they just changed Gods plan to suit their own religious agenda. This is the stupid theology of Christianity that I am trying to point out and David clearly has no clue what he is talking about. 1 Corinthians 6:2 says that the SAINTS will judge the WORLD so is it so far fetched and stretched that these same SAINTS are those who are wise that will serve as ambassadors of Gods judgment that will ultimately lead the world to learning righteousness? Christ is talking about the judgment of God for God is a consuming fire but this is obviously symbolic language for God is not a literal consuming ball of fire. I felt a tingling sensation move up and down my right hand. Humans are ALL naturally bent towards evil and if it wasnt for God holding us back from ourselves, we would ALL do nothing but evil continually. They had gone to the sessions, while I stayed behind in the room. Many of those whose bodies lie dead and buried will rise up, some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting disgrace. Where would I be had I not learned to serve a vision before projecting a vision? Ironically enough, if we are looking for solid evidence outside of scripture, there is little to no evidence of a hell outside of the evil fantasies of the pagan religious. Worry about your own judgment. What do you do if God doesnt need you anymore?2. I began to hear the voice of the Lord at the young age of seven, but I did not come to know Jesus until I was eleven years old. (LogOut/ He has a YouTube Channel with close to 1 million subscribers where he talks about critical topics of the Christian life. Im a born-again Christian who gave my life to Jesus 30 years ago. Since the age of 11, I have been intrigued by the healing ministry. Clearly David is the real deal!! We have two groups of people discussed in Daniel 12:2-3. I am not going to go into a lot of detail about what heaven is because Ive already written on that subject, but heaven is a spiritual realm, it is not a literal physical kingdom with streets of gold, pearly gates, and God sitting on a literal throne. In fact, I had three nights in a row of disturbed sleep, because I was fighting the idea of preaching a sermon. So he went and preached to the spirits in prison those who disobeyed God long ago when God waited patiently while Noah was building his boat. Please pray for my daughter Christine, for her salvation, healing, physical, emotional n mental health. For anyone to suggest that this is an example of Gods higher justice is out of their mind. What did your pastor say? Personal Life, Parents and Family Details : David's grandparents Danny and Linda Manch are also preachers. This place was later identified as a literal garbage dump which could be used as a link to Christs analogy but there are no biblical references to the Valley of Hinnom being a literal garbage dump. The witch told Saul in verse 13 that she saw a spirit ascending out of the earth and in verse 14, we read that this spirit had the form of an OLD MAN Remember that spirit is INVISIBLE so Saul PERCEIVED (that is, thought in HIS OWN MIND) that this old man envisioned of by a witch to be Samuel. On Mon., Sep. 12, 2022, 1:04 p.m. It is a sin to be attached to the world. 2 Corinthians 2:5God loves you very much. It is so refreshing and inspiring and I want to know more. I was thirteen years old, and God had already revealed himself to me as the Great Healer. If a person is saved, they dont need to be continually saved for all eternity for that is just stupid ideology. Im a spirit-filled believer, but, just like any aspects of the flesh, depression must be dealt with consistently. Burning anything living for the purposes of just killing it is considered to be a vile and despicable act but in that case, at least the subject DIES! Thank you for saying it. Go out and do so. Therefore look! He justifies this argument by saying that we, (humans) send people to away for their entire lives for a crime that took only minutes to commit. He started seeking Jesus on Christian Tv programs, and in the Bible. And this shall be an everlasting statute unto you, to make an atonement for the children of Israel for all their sins once a year. Does Gods anger last forever? Yes. David Diga Hernandez shares how the Holy Spirit illuminates Biblical revelation. My daughter watches you. I watch you on TV all the time. In his first TV interview since publicly renouncing prosperity theology earlier in September, Hinn told Encounter TV host David Diga Hernandez that when he entered the ministry at 21, his goal was to share the Gospel. However, as he gained popularity in the '90s, Hinn admitted he became "distracted." Moreover, David also used to hold secret Miracle Services on his school campus and attend missions with his youth group. 2 5.1 Probabilidad y mtodos de conteo (Valor 55 puntos) Instrucciones: En esta tarea, se trabajar con la introduccin a la probabilidad. Is it not clear that this is spiritual and symbolic? That would be like a math teacher using and outdated math book to teach their students. Here is my question Who are the MANY being led to righteousness described in verse 3? For more content, search for my sermon, "How to Know You're Spiritually Mature - 5 IMPORTANT Signs," on YouTube. But I stood faithful. I dont think we truly grasp how horrific and how atrocious our rebellion against God is.. Since I can remember, I had battled with a demonic depression and unusual fear. As I observed in amazement, I said in my heart, Lord, THATS how I want to be used. But only moments after I thought that, Steve looked right at me. Gehenna defined as the post resurrection place of torment might not be too far off from an acceptable definition although I will confess that I do not share Davids zeal for people being tormented. Luke 12:16 Then He spoke a parable to them, saying: The ground of a certain rich man yielded plentifully. Related videos. So many people are living cold, hungry, and even homeless. This is what David and Christianity considers to be Gods higher form of justice. So, all angels do not have to be heavenly messengers and there is NO place in the bible that says that the devil has messengers that come from heaven. YES, YOUR SISTERS, SODOM AND SAMARIA, AND ALL THEIR PEOPLE WILL BE RESTORED, AND AT THAT TIME YOU ALSO WILL BE RESTORED. David Diga Hernandez (born on March 22, 1989) is an American televangelist and faith healer who hosts a Christian television program on JuceTV, a subsidiary of the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN). The issue here is with the word ANGEL and this word is tricky to define because humans have created images of fantasy when it comes to angels. The SERPENT! That leads me to note this important thought: private prayer is always revealed in public power. Again, there is NO slack in calling God, the Eonian God or the God of the Ages for God created the ages and God is God in all ages. I was about 9 years old when I was asked to do something I did not want to do. It is you and all of Christianity that likens Gods standard of justice to that which is far WORSE than Hitlers evil idea of justice. Your humility is striking, and speaks volumes as a man of God I am not a celebrity, but a servant. David wants you to believe that Jesus was ALIVE literally preaching to some spirits in prison when he was supposed to be DEAD and dying for the sins of the world. Lets allow the scriptures to teach us and not Davids unholy interpretation. He has no spiritual insight whatsoever and his carnal minded teaching is consistent with the evil heresies spewed all throughout Christianity. The weekly program, Encounter TV, features highlights from David's international ministry events, guest interviews, viewer submitted clips and a . His ministry reaches an estimated 80% of the US population and is available in several English-speaking countries. How many so called Christians believe this lie? The Lord has put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these prophets of yours, and the Lord has declared disaster against you.. David, or the word of God? Just saw David Hernandez for the first time. Updated on Dec 18, 2022 Education Data safety arrow_forward Safety starts with. I think it strange that people criticize that God blesses and anoints. THERE IS NO SUCH SCRIPTURE! Being a millennial, David has used the internet to reach the youth. The Real Gospel of Christ, < comment-reply@wordpress.com> wrote: The Real Gospel of Christ commented: What would I do for the sake of the > gospel? I agree, with Tiffanys inquiry- but refuse to doubt this marvelous young evangelist, David Hernandez! Thanks, Pastor Hernandez, you are a blessing from God to the world. I only have one instagram account. Thank you David for the love you have for God and for reaching out to people all over the world. This is my first time listen to your sermons and your teaching. Your reward is glorious in heaven. His theory has a few problems and the first is that the words breath, wind, and spirit all have similar meanings and/or applications. I will share insights on content creation and effective media strategies. Its a lie inserted into the church to control Christians through fear. You cannot use your moral argument against the universalist for it is you that tries to convince people that being tortured in fire is actually a righteous act of God. David has written over 12 books in total. For quite some time, and since the beginning of ministry, I had wanted to preach a miracle service. God created the garden and put the tree of the knowledge of good and evil IN THE MIDDLE of the garden. While other kids were creeping in secrecy to hide drugs, sexual acts and violent dealings, I was holding secret Miracle Services on school campus. Over the years, the projectors advanced, but my job stood the same. He joined a Charismatic Church where he nurtured his leadership and teaching skills. Please pray for me and my family especially for my 2 daughters for the fulfillment of Gods promises about their calling and ministry. David believes that this everlasting fire is synonymous with the pagan hell that Christianity has preached from its pulpits for centuries but David errs. So how is God like a consuming fire? Then comes the end (the culmination), when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father, when He puts an end to all rule and all authority and power. Sin happened and because of sin, living things DIE. David is a unique and emerging spiritual leader, called to take Gods saving and healing power to this generation. The person that has lived a godly life walking in uprightness will enter into peace when they die and go to the grave. Other powerful ministers of the word of God we have covered are Toni Collier, Sam Collier and Myron Golden. How is your daughter doing? Even cant understand English properly, but Im so blessed. I plead the precious blood of Christ Jesus over you from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet. The devil never dragged literal angels out of a literal heaven during some war in heaven. The quoting of Isaiah 51:6 doesnt change anything Gods salvation will endure for that particular age for God will not be saving mankind FOREVER as David suggests. The scripture he claims that supposedly gives us deeper insight into an afterlife is none other than the scripture in Deuteronomy that condemns the sin of necromancy or communicating with the dead. At the same time, I felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit drawing me to the Lord. An uncommon site for a church service, my school was the meeting place, and a small brick wall was my platform. How absurd is that? It is amazing how someone like David can express that he wishes that God would save all of humanity but then goes on to preach a sermon full of heresy to make sure that God will not save all of humanity. It is you that assumes that all references to fire mean hell so I guess according to your logic that God is hell since God is a consuming fire. God is loving and God is merciful. This statement has been objected to by Christians who believe that the Bible has no record of such a statement. This is not an ordination program, so all may take this course. There is limited detail about what Jesus actually meant when He used the word Gehenna but I think we can agree that Jesus was NOT referring to literal physical fire. I think heaven is probably what God makes it to be. The first Miracle Service I ever preached was July 18th. The first thing you said was, You dont get the idea of hell. This is infact very true. You shall not surely die so Davids teaching is clearly in line with what the serpent proclaims instead of what God proclaims. I also caught your little trick and Im going to expose you for it. For two years, I prayed for over 4 hours each day. Now I want to listen to every teaching on the Holy Spirit. You are only repeating the words of Christianity. I may have depression, but depression doesnt have me. Learn how your comment data is processed. They have to believe that God raised Christ from the DEAD! No, the Valley of Hinnom is a SYMBOL but what would Christ use the Valley of Hinnon to symbolize? This is Christ dying for the sins of the world and then promising that he will return. In the beginning back in Genesis 3, God says to man, you will surely die but guess who comes around to be the antagonist? Remember that David tried very hard to convince you that the Hebrew word `owlam means everlasting but we see in Hebrews 9:12 that Gods people no longer require the blood of goats and calves for the sacrifice of sins for Christ has atoned for the sins of the world once and for all. To unlock something locked right? He said, I need a favor.. Once the wood is completely burned up, the smoke will go away. Then you will be truly ashamed of everything you have done, for your sins make them feel good in comparison. If his plan works, he promises to take all of his employees on a vacation when he returns. If time didnt apply before the creation of the Christian life was about 9 years old I... 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