what happened to david duckenfield


Hillsborough match commander David Duckenfield has been found not guilty of gross negligence manslaughter of 95 Liverpool supporters. The man who caused so much pain has escaped the consequences. The jury found match commander - former Ch Supt David Duckenfield - "responsible for manslaughter by gross negligence" due to a breach of his duty of care. He agreed with Michael Mansfield QC, representing 75 families whose relatives were killed in the lethal crush, that he was practising and persisted in a far-reaching deceit on the day, by lying to Football Association and football club officials about his actions. My first thoughts are with the 96 people who died in the Hillsborough disaster, their families, and the thousands of people who have been deeply affected by the events of 15th April 1989. Gate C, leading to the Leppings Lane terraces, is opened. More than 2,000 fans then entered through exit gate C, with many heading for the tunnel ahead of them, which led to the central pens of the terrace where the crush happened. ", To the families he added: "It has now dawned on me what it means to you, and I am dreadfully sorry. Video, At the crash site of 'no hope' - BBC reporter in Greece, Record numbers of guide dog volunteers after BBC story. This halts disciplinary proceedings being brought by the Police Complaints Authority. The matchday commander at Hillsborough was found not guilty of gross negligence manslaughter charges pertaining to his role in the football disaster 30 years ago. That should never have happened, and we will continue to learn the . He described the policing outside the Leppings Lane turnstiles, where Duckenfield accepted the South Yorkshire police lost control at 2:40pm, as non-existent or shambolic at best. This 1992 family photo shows, from left, her son Thomas . David Duckenfield was in charge of policing the 1989 FA Cup semi-final, The people who lost their lives in the Hillsborough disaster, The crush developed in the Leppings Lane end of Hillsborough stadium, David Duckenfield pictured in 1989, a month after the Hillsborough disaster, Ninety-six people were fatally injured in the 1989 disaster. Assistant Commissioner Rob Beckley, who was in overall command of Operation Resolve - the criminal inquiry into the disaster, acknowledged the jury "had a difficult and challenging task". By 2.45pm, thousands of people were pressing into the turnstiles and alongside a large exit gate. The defendant's conduct must fall so far below the standard to be expected of a reasonably competent and careful person in the defendant's position, that it was something truly, exceptionally bad. BBC News Inquests into the 96 football fans who died in the 1989 Hillsborough disaster have concluded they were unlawfully killed. Yet this was not a doddery septuagenarian being persecuted inappropriately for actions long buried in the past. The jury found match commander - former Ch Supt David. Who has been left to carry the weight and pain of the disaster? asked if this was a "ploy" and a step to "sever the link between the opening of the gate and what . Tom Davidson Assistant news editor. The court was played audio of the retired chief superintendent giving evidence to inquests in 2015. The findings heavily criticise the police operation, stadium layout and design, and local ambulance service. When all Hillsborough legal proceedings are concluded we should, as a society, take time to consider these matters and learn lessons. For all that time, the families of those who died, and the survivors of the crush, have campaigned for justice and accountability. The crown's case was that the Chief Superintendent's failings were so extraordinary that they met that test. As fans were dying he suggested they were responsible for the crush that was a consequence of his decision. erath county rant and rave; springfield, mo jail inmates; essex county hospital center jobs; blanching vs non blanching erythema; star trek next generation cast salaries He also rejects a prosecution application to prevent tweeting from court, sharing articles on social media or embedding video into news articles. Minutes later Duckenfield ordered for that gate to be opened again. Ch Supt Duckenfield reacted to the build-up of supporters outside the ground by ordering the gates to be opened before the game between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest. VideoAt the crash site of 'no hope' - BBC reporter in Greece, Why Covid lab-leak theory is now being taken seriously, Blackpink lead top stars back on the road in Asia, Exploring the rigging claims in Nigeria's elections, 'Wales is in England' gaffe sparks TikToker's trip, Ukraine war casts shadow over India's G20 ambitions, Record numbers of guide dog volunteers after BBC story. "With all due respect, my lord, 96 people were found unlawfully killed to a criminal standard," she said. A Hillsborough charity music single, a version of He Aint Heavy Hes My Brother, is confirmed as Christmas Number One days later. Duckenfield had agreed earlier that he had not acted as a reasonably competent match commander on the day, due to the mistakes he made. Meanwhile, the families of six victims appeal for a judicial review application to quash the inquest verdict. As always you can unsubscribe at any time. The prosecution of Hillsborough match commander David Duckenfield was "breathtakingly unfair" as he was made to take the blame for others, a jury has heard. PC Maxwell Groome was on duty for the match at Sheffield Wednesdays stadium. Sleep expert shares exact time children should go to bed, 11 things we learnt at an explosive Liverpool Council budget meeting, Police say body found in search for missing baby in Sussex, Eccleston skier races into a podium finish at Italian competition, Last minute donation saves Wirral flat full of unique artwork at auction, CQC publish findings on Ainsdale Court care home in Rainhill, Human error to blame for train crash - Greek PM, At the crash site of 'no hope' - BBC reporter in Greece. ACC Jackson was alongside Duckenfield within minutes of the match being stopped. After Duckenfield mentioned the contribution in the police control room of Bernard Murray, who was a superintendent but has since died, Menon asked him if he was seeking to blame other people. The inquest heard Mr Duckenfield testify he was struggling to sleep in the run-up to the 1989 Taylor Inquiry, and claimed to be drinking "half tumblers of whisky" to "find the courage" to read statements. "But, as both counsel have advised you and I will now direct you, as you go about your duty you must put aside your emotions and sympathies, either for the bereaved families or indeed for Mr Duckenfield, and decide the case with a cold, calm and dispassionate review of the evidence that you have heard in court.". [1] This resulted in overcrowding of those pens and the crush. VideoRecord numbers of guide dog volunteers after BBC story. He said footage of a mother having to cuddle her dead child on the dirty floor of the Hillsborough gymnasium was the most moving thing he had ever seen, and that it had shown him "what it means to a mother to lose a loved one". What is the point?. david duckenfield cycling david duckenfield cycling. That a publicly funded authority can lawfully withhold information from a public inquiry charged with finding out why 96 people died at a football match, in order to ensure that it never happened again or that a solicitor can advise such a withholding, without sanction of any sort, may be a matter which should be subject to scrutiny.. Sir, I am the man in overall control, he replied. The jury fails to reach a verdict on Duckenfield. Read about our approach to external linking. The collapse of the latest Hillsborough trial comes after 30 years of legal battles over responsibility for the disaster, which claimed 96 lives on 15 April 1989. Although there were other causes, the main reason for the disaster was the failure of police control, it concludes. But the Hillsborough families and survivors will find the outcome hard to take and will ask hard questions about the 65m spent on a criminal investigation which has ended with no one convicted for so many lives lost. Read about our approach to external linking. ", "I have no excuses. The former chief superintendent of South Yorkshire police, David Duckenfield, leaves after giving evidence to the Hillsborough inquest in Warrington. The Week is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. "He understands the public interest in this case, but would ask that his privacy and that of his family is respected, and will not be commenting further. Sir Norman Bettison, the former police chief constable accused of blaming fans for the disaster, has all four criminal charges against him dropped. The Police Complaints Authority (PCA) find there is sufficient evidence to charge them with neglect of duty but Mr Duckenfield is on sick leave during the process, and retires on medical grounds in November 1991. He admitted that until his evidence this week at these new inquests, he had not confessed to the series of mistakes he has now admitted. The jury at the inquests returned a verdict of unlawful killing, reversing the 1990 ruling of accidental deaths. The CPS spokeswoman said: "The disaster at Hillsborough 30 years ago has caused unimaginable suffering to the families of those who sadly lost their lives and to everybody affected by the tragic events of that day. For this to happen, there needs to be accountability. He admitted everything at the 2015 inquests into the disaster, saying that his professional failings led to the deaths of 96 innocent men, women and children. It is right that an impartial and thorough investigation was carried out, and it is right that a jury was asked to make a judgement of the facts. Hillsboroughs final victim, 22-year-old Tony Bland, dies after being taken off life support, pushing the death toll up to 96. Despite this, the retired officer was able to walk away last week in the face of overwhelming evidence and his own admissions. At that point, Duckenfield gave the command to open another gate to the stadium and about 2,000 fans then made their way into the ground. It was closed after 26 seconds and around 150 supporters are believed to have entered. A jury failed to reach a verdict in the case of David Duckenfield, the former South Yorkshire police chief superintendent and match commander on the day of the Hillsborough disaster. Tony Evans is a journalist and former football editor of the Times. The Hillsborough match commander was cleared of gross negligence manslaughter. David Duckenfield is not a criminal, a jury has decided. Sir, it is now that I have thought very seriously about the families, Duckenfield said, explaining that the video was the most moving thing he had ever seen, and that it had shown him what it means to a mother to lose a loved one. Judge Sir Peter Openshaw also told jurors the condition could explain Duckenfield's lack of reaction as he sat in the well of the court throughout the trial. Performance & security by Cloudflare. I apologise unreservedly to the families and I hope they believe it is a very, very sincere apology. The HFSG is granted permission for a private manslaughter prosecution against Mr Duckenfield and Mr Murray. avid Duckenfield can finally rest easily. The new Labour governments home secretary, Jack Straw, notes the discussions but said public concern will not be allayed by a reassurance from the Home Office that there is no new evidence and proposes an independent review. A spokeswoman for the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said the verdict did not affect the findings of the Hillsborough inquests, which ruled the victims had been unlawfully killed. It is hard to comprehend how the relatives have maintained their dignity in the face of numerous disappointments and crass treatment from the authorities. Lord Justice Peter Taylors interim report into the tragedy puts the blame on South Yorkshire Police. High Court judge Lord Goldring chairs the new inquests in Warrington, which last more than two years and becomes the longest jury case in British legal history. The new Hillsborough inquests start in Warrington, and go on to become the longest case ever heard by a British jury. Duckenfield did not give evidence in the trial as the court heard he was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. The CPS announces that all charges against Sir Norman Bettison are being dropped because there is insufficient evidence for a realistic chance of a conviction, which is the test for all prosecutions. 2.48pm: One of those gates, Gate C, is opened. What has been heard here in this court will have been surprising to many, she said. The inquest blames police decisions and the layout of the stadium for the deaths. This was to be a fatal decision as thousands of Liverpool. More than 2,000 fans entered through exit gate C once it was opened and many headed for the tunnel ahead of them, which led to the central pens where the crush happened. "30 years means myths took root about fans being a cause of the disaster, now unequivocally shown by both defence and prosecution evidence to be wrong. Of the 96 people who were crushed, trampled or suffocated, 37 were teenagers, most still at school, many attending their first away game supporting Liverpool. Mr Mackrell is fined 6,500 for the offence, sparking outrage from victims relatives who called the penalty shameful. Mr Murray is acquitted and the jury is undecided on David Duckenfield. David Duckenfield is one of six people to be charged with manslaughter over the deaths resulting from the disaster which claimed the lives of 96 fans. They were even more appalled when Openshaw called the defendant a poor chap after Duckenfield was forced to go to hospital with a suspected chest infection. Application for a retrial is refused. Relatives and friends of the victims were gathered at the Cunard Building on Liverpool's waterfront when the verdict was announced. The scrutiny goes ahead but in February 1998, Lord Justice Stuart-Smith rejects grounds for quashing the accidental death verdicts or bringing prosecutions. ", "It is important to remember that criminal proceedings have a very different purpose to an inquest.". After sitting for 31 days, the Taylor Inquiry publishes an interim report concluding that the main reason for the disaster was the failure of police control and criticising South Yorkshire Police for blaming Liverpool supporters. News. He said: "He has a resilient, passive and expressionless external presentation which gives no indication of his state of mind so don't draw an adverse inference against him.". They knew the law would let them down. The Crown Prosecution Service announces that six people are to be charged with offences in relation to the disaster Mr Duckenfield is charged with manslaughter and former Sheffield Wednesday club secretary Graham Mackrell for health and safety offences. Posted on 26 Feb in avondale redbud problems. The citys council cancelled a planned outdoor commemoration event and instead will light 96 lanterns on the steps of St Georges Hall. 2.17pm: Superintendent Roger Marshall requests for Leppings Lane to be closed to traffic. Many of the bereaved family members, including mothers whose children were killed in the disaster, were crying as Duckenfield spoke. The High Court quashes the original inquest verdicts of accidental death and orders new inquests. During days of intense questioning at the inquests in March 2015, he admitted that he had lied about mistakes he made on the day and had kept that lie going for 26 years and through several legal inquiries. Video, Record numbers of guide dog volunteers after BBC story, Reaction as David Duckenfield is cleared of manslaughter, argued the case against him was "deeply unfair", Harry and Meghan told to 'vacate' Frogmore Cottage, Rare Jurassic-era bug found at Arkansas Walmart, Dozens of girls treated after new Iran poisonings, China and Belarus call for peace in Ukraine, Prince Andrew offered Frogmore Cottage - reports, Beer and wine sales in Canada fall to all-time low, Ed Sheeran says wife developed tumour in pregnancy, Havana Syndrome unlikely to have hostile cause - US. An investigation was launched after more than 1,500 police pocket notebooks relevant to the Hillsborough disaster were uncovered weeks before the trial of David Duckenfield was due to start, it. Mr Duckenfield's defence counsel argued the case against him was "deeply unfair". The verdict defies logic. After three years reviewing 450,000 documents, including those relating to former prime minister Margaret Thatcher and Merseyside Police, the Hillsborough Independent Panel publishes its report and exposes the police campaign to blame Liverpool fans. The finding undermines the decision made by the coroner in the first inquests to limit their scope to events before 3.15pm, and not consider the chaotic medical response after that point. The High Court quashes the accidental death verdicts and new inquests are ordered. We use your sign-up to provide content in the ways you've consented to and improve our understanding of you. The stories of personal loss and individual pain have too often been overlooked. Click to reveal It was David Duckenfield, Preston Crown Court heard, who told FA chiefs fans had gained entry through a "forced" stadium gate before the crush on the terraces beyond. Only one ambulance made it onto the pitch; 42 remained in a queue outside. As the families continue to campaign, ITV screens a drama about the disaster written by Jimmy McGovern. Labour MP Andy Burnhams address to the 20th anniversary memorial service is interrupted by chants of Justice for the 96. "It is right that an impartial and thorough investigation was carried out, and it is right that a jury was asked to make a judgement of the facts. david duckenfield cycling. Christine Burke, whose father Henry Burke was killed in the disaster, stood in the public gallery and addressed the judge after the verdict was read out. Lord Justice Taylor concludes that the most fans were not drunk, nor even the worse for drink and highlights contributing factors including opening exit gates to allow fans into the ground and failing to delay kick-off. The retired chief superintendent, 75, denied the charge relating to the FA Cup semi-final on April 15 1989. Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. It remained open for more than five minutes. I seek guidance from people with greater experience and expertise than me. "Thirty years means myths took root about fans being a cause of the disaster, now unequivocally shown by both defence and prosecution evidence to be wrong. D avid Duckenfield can finally rest easily. Lord Justice McCowan says he can see no fault in the coroner for cutting off the scope of the inquests at 3.15pm because he relied on medical evidence, and refuses to quash the verdicts. England and Wales company registration number 2008885, Subscribe to TheWeek. David Duckenfield was in charge when a crush developed in terraced pens on 15 April 1989 . No one should have to suffer the emotional damage that comes with such a burden. His lawyers argued those errors were accepted only in hindsight, and through the fight put up to try and stop him being prosecuted it was clear that, by the time he uttered not guilty at his manslaughter plea hearing in September 2018, he did not think those failings were so bad they were criminal. Prosecutors allege Duckenfield should have taken action to close the tunnel that led to those pens, a tactic his lawyer said he and other experienced officers were unaware of, but which the court heard had been used at Hillsborough before. One of the many tragedies of the Hillsborough disaster is the first explanation for what claimed the lives of those men, women and children was a suggestion it was Liverpool supporters who were responsible. The entrance had a limited number of turnstiles, of which just seven were allocated to the 10,100 fans with tickets for the standing terraces. The passage of 30 years has presented challenges for everyone involved in the legal process, prosecution and defence. David Duckenfield, a Police Chief Superintendent, who has been accused of the death of 96 people in the tragic incident of the Hillsborough disaster, was found not guilty in charge of manslaughter. The High Court rejects an application for judicial review of the inquest verdicts brought by six representative families. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. Following the broadcast of a television dramatisation of the Hillsborough disaster, the Home Offices Operational Policing Policy Unit writes to Michael Howard, then home secretary, saying it raises the suggestion that some of the victims were still alive at 3.30pm. The jury was shown pictures of fans in the Leppings Lane end of the stadium as the disaster unfolded, At the crash site of 'no hope' - BBC reporter in Greece. The death of two witnesses and contradictions in the evidence of others is cited as part of the reason for the decision. When Mr Duckenfield, the police officer in charge of keeping people safe at Hillsborough in 1989, attempted to apologise for the deaths of 96 people, the family members listening to his testimony gasped. Despite having a greater following than Nottingham Forest, Liverpools supporters were allocated the smaller end of the stadium, Leppings Lane, so that their route would not bring them into contact with Forest fans arriving from the south. Christine Burke tearfully spoke from the gallery after the verdict was delivered and said that the 96 were unlawfully killed and she wants to know who is responsible, reports the Liverpool Echo. Civil actions seeking damages starts within days of the disaster, both from relatives of the victims and survivors who have suffered physical injuries and psychological effects. "I am really angry but I am trying be calm for these families who have suffered," she said. It is true the same stadium exit gate he ordered to be opened at 2.52pm opened minutes earlier without his instruction. The former match commander's solicitor, Ian Lewis, said: "David is of course relieved that the jury has found him not guilty, however his thoughts and sympathies remain with the families of those who lost their loved ones. It was a catastrophic and deadly error. The jury at Mr Duckenfield's original trial earlier this year failed to agree a verdict. Something went wrong, please try again later. After delivering the verdict the judge, Sir Peter Openshaw thanked the jury before they were dismissed. He said he would regret them to his dying day. Due to the ongoing proceedings relating to Duckenfield, and a forthcoming trial of two former South Yorkshire police officers and the forces then solicitor on charges of perverting the course of justice, the 30-year memorial ceremonies will be muted. Bereaved families are angered that the inquests cannot consider the emergency response after that point, and an accidental death verdict is returned on 26 March 1991. But in November 1991, a House of Lords ruling states that the chief constable of South Yorkshire has admitted liability in negligence in respect of the deaths and physical injuries. The funnel-shaped nature of the area meant that the congestion was hard to escape for those at the front, says the BBC. A jury failed to reach a verdict in the case of David Duckenfield, the former South Yorkshire police chief superintendent and match commander on the day of the Hillsborough disaster. That they met that test penalty shameful as part of Future plc, an international group. 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