what does the number 240 mean biblically


46 RECONSTRUCTED LIFE: Resurrection Especially non-Christians. Although its important to know what certain numbers mean, especially in the case of 666 as we draw nearer to the End Times. What is Gods opinion of this? Hi Audria. 146 FREE OF ALL BONDS Thank You for the consideration, either way. 635 SIMPLETON IS VICTIMIZED, 638 TRUTHFUL LIPS Number 564 UNDIVIDED HEART FOR GOD Hello Isabella. In Hebraic culture, in both the Old and New Testament, certain numbers can hearken back to major occurrences throughout Israels history. Number469 TEACHERS CAST AWAY Number257 WORSHIP IS AN ABOMINATION, Number258 DEATH TO CHRIST CONFESSORS! 245 KILLS PROPHETS 281 JUSTICE DENIED 2 DIVISION: Lion on Loose 558 GOD WATCHES OVER ME End of debate. 22 where there are instructions of what to do in the case a man takes a wife, and if after lying with her, dislikes her and slanders her and gives her a bad name (v.13-14). Theologians havent agreed on when this period started or ended, but at the 70th week, God will put an end to sin.. Number310 KEEP THE FAITH 35:19). Such attribution has led some groups to mystical and theological extremes . So 175 is the seven, The End, of the decagon Testimony of the Covenant. 50 FIRE: Purify: Persecution, 51 PRAISE THE FATHER mark. Number76 PROPHET(S), Number60 EARTHLY KING 134 MISTRUST GODS MAN, 137 QUARRELING Number 139 SORCERY / CONTROL, Number 140 EVIL SCHEMES 410 HAND OF GOD ON A TEACHER, 403 EXILE TO BABYLON Number 333 SIGN OF GOD, Number 318 SELF SERVING SERVANT Thank you! Number 573 STIFF-NECKED REJECTED FOREVER, THEME 46 RESTORED LIFE (RENEWAL OF ALL THINGS), Number 582 EARTH IS A PARADISE 800 GOOD SHEPHERD Number 685 HOLY NATION CUT DOWN 243 SAINTS CROWNED, 244 FALSE MESSIAH APPEARS People say that the Trinity also represents the mind, body, and spirit. Though we might make it to the elections. Number 646 LOVE CONTENTION 446 GOD IS PLEASED WHEN WE SUFFER, 447 GOD HIDES FROM MAN Number 548 TURNED TO CONFUSION & SHAME It happened 3 9 0 obj It is a line that never ends (eternal things) but we can see it (mans understanding). 259 BELIEVERS HUNTED DOWN Number 606 PEACE BE ON ISRAEL 1 0 obj 436 EXTRACT PROTECTION MONEY Number466 PACK OF JACKALS Number251 EVIL SPIRIT CONTROLS 657 SUDDEN DESTRUCTION 493 PURE IN HEART STAY TRUE I enjoyed the .PDF on Creation and genes. What exactly on your chart from #s 42-77 does the statements sign of libra and sign of no star sign and sign of scorpio refer to. Number194 LOVE OF MONEY CURSED, THEME 15 FALSE PEACE (PACT WITH THE DEVIL), Number197 RED DRAGON: Leopard Number58 WORLDLY LIFE They were commended by the LORD because they obey their fathers command (Jer. Number 3 BINDING: Spirit, God, Number4 MESSAGE:Hear This is why they moved the beginning of the year, when the day starts, calling Sat/Sun the weekend, etc. Number413 SIN REPENTED PUBLICLY, Number414 SORROW FOR BROKEN WALLS FLOCK SLAUGHTERED, 233 BELIEVERS APPEAR IN HOLY LAND <> Number205 LOSS OF INHERITANCE PISCES Religious? Number 532 RUTHLESS MEN ATTACK But the people are the apostate remnant not believers in Jehovah nor practicing Jews in any way save a few cultural customs and the Hebrew language.}. No further postings regarding Jewish blood lines in modern times please. 238 LORDS SACRIFICE SCORNED, 240 HOLY THINGS LOST Take for example this number series using your chart above. 603 COVENANT PEOPLES GATHERED 511 WAIT IN HOPE A multitude of angels appeared at the birth of Christ. Number 543 I TURN MY BACK ON EVIL MEN The Holy Angels each one powerful and glorious is a unique creation of the Spirit of God. Number387 DONT KNOW THE WAY TO GO, Number381 TOWER OF STRENGTH (IS GOD) Your email address will not be published. Number 551 I AM GOD SAYS THE RICH Saints (8) against saints (8) [64 = 8 x 8]. Since it is composed of a multiple of 12, it takes on some of 12's meaning (which is God's power and authority, as well as perfect foundation) except in a higher form. Number 529 HEART IS HUMBLED Number173 GREAT BATTLE Number 337 BACKSLIDERS SWALLOWED, Number 338 SINFUL CITY FALLS The Angel of the LORD is Near is very bad news. Number 84 is not missing. Number 569 SAFE FROM HARM, Number 555 SCARED SPEECHLESS 74 THE BEAST Fellowship has been broken by us with God. According to the article by Dr. Roger Barrier, the number 666 has a historical and future fulfillment. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. 18 Cursed shall be the fruit of thy body, because of the wickedness of thy doings, whereby thou hast forsaken me.. Number420 RULE OF MAN, Number 423 MINISTERS OF GOD <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 1008 612] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> stream [See Gen. 16 1st exile and Gen. 21 2nd exile]. Those familiar with church history will know that Nero was anti-Christian in every aspect of the word. 133 BROTHERLY LOVE This is not the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 82 THRONE OF GOD Seven Churches in Revelation:The book of Revelation starts by addressing seven different churches (Revelation 2-3) who are in varying degrees of their spiritual walks. Praise be to God his word never fails, even when you are living in the middle of Babylon. Number276 INHERITANCES RE-ALLOCATED TO FAVORITES, THEME 22 NATION UNDER GOD BECOMES THE SINFUL KINGDOM, Number277 MEN EMASCULATED Though in hindsight, my letter to Kerry in 1998 has certainly proven true, asking if we are by how we acted in 1998, and I bet Kerry has no idea why Obama picked him ! Number 142 RASH DECISION Number 667 VOW TO EARTHLY KING 557 BLOOD OF SAINTS POURED OUT Number382 PUBLICLY AFFIRM FAITH IN GOD 486 THE LORD AVENGES Those who sell (Lam. The Meaning and Significance of Number 3 in the Bible. So Isaiah 1 is nonsense in the context of Judaism. I like the additions and improvements to your website, plus, the picture. Personally, I annotate my Bible in the margins with as much as I can cram in with small writing. God showed me he is about to kill Congress and Obama did spend 2014 cutting off the hand of Congress, I expected much from Obama, BUT, I never saw CUBA coming. Christ was born of Mary but now that Christ has come the Old Covenant is passed away the lines of the Kings of Judah ceased at Christ he now holds that office perpetually. Hi Zuki. 94 PROUD HUMBLED, 97 FIRE BURNS ENEMIES Number 561 PLOT TO DESTROY SAINTS Number 674 BEHOLD YOUR KING! Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean, put away the evil-doing from before my eyes: i.e. Isaac as a type of Christians is painfully true to form: he was no spiritual giant. Number 625 SUFFERING GLORIFIED, Number 615 MOCKERS GLEE IN MY LOSS Number455 RIGHTEOUS SCORNED BY ALL, Number456 WICKED WILL PERISH FOREVER The fact PENNY is written below indicates the two names are the same person: you! 2000 188 GREAT FEAR OF GOD, 189 SWEAR AN OATH Number170 GRAVEN IMAGE 7 THE END: Sword is Raised, 10 TESTIMONY: Vow of Fealty <> 5 WEAKNESS: Exposed Child, Hand One may wonder why people didnt continue on in names, Judah, Perez, Hezron, Ram The Israelites had three patriarchs for a very specific reason. Also I had a dream years ago way beyond what I understand. 479 CLUELESS: EASILY LED ASTRAY An essential key to understanding God's Word and its design is through the meaning of Biblical numbers. 168 MAN OF LAWLESSNESS, 169 DEMON WORSHIP Number416 PEOPLE WORK ON WALLS, Number418 WAY OF HARLOT REJECTED 328 CONSPIRATORS ASSASSINATE KING, 329 SURRENDER EVERYTHING HOLY Who would #1 be in the Bible, scripture wise ? Blessings. 517 MANS LIFE EBBS AWAY These are two very evil numbers, both associated with the Beast from the Sea, the Antichrist (see Theme 13). Number 671 DUST TO DUST, THEME 54 GOD WILL SEPARATE HIS CHILDREN FROM THE SEED OF THE DEVIL, Number 683 BRANCH OF THE LORD Number462 FEEBLE ARM, Number472 THE LORD HEARS I would not recommend reading anything into numbers related to the time and date of your birth. What Does the Number 3 Signify in the Bible? The Meaning of Numbers: The Number 24 The number 24 is associated with the priesthood. A genuine Christian is duty bound to obey his Savior as his only Lord. Surely, He comes quickly!!!! First, those numbers are related to the Julian calendar which is a pagan invention, totally un-Biblical. In the New Testament, it is associated with the genealogy of . 4:21-31). Number230 DISGRACEFUL ACTS, THEME 18 APOSTASY JUDGED / RESTORATION BEGINS, Number231 GENOCIDE Number218 BROTHER KILLS BROTHER, Number219 PIERCED WITH THORNS 399 BLOCKING STREAMS OF WATER, 391 HOLY ONE OF GOD IS KILLED [FAITH IN CHRIST] I just read your .pdf about Ephraim will be defeated, this might explain why I could not even get my wifes Lutheran pastor to read Luke 1:36-55 at Christmas time. 548 TURNED TO CONFUSION & SHAME, 551 I AM GOD SAYS THE RICH Number125MULTITUDE OF HOLY ANGELS 443 GOD OPPRESSES THE WEAK, 444 WEALTH MEANS GOD HAS BLESSED YOU Number 559 GOD HEARS MY PRAISE 466 PACK OF JACKALS Number481 MANY FOES: PUT DOWN, Number471 NO CONCERN FOR SIN Number285 TRAITOR HANGED. And the government projects a Jewish image. ago. Number213 GODS DEEDS FORGOTTEN endstream Servant mark. 587 GODS CURSES Number 365 ABSOLUTE POWER OF KING, THEME 29 WORSHIP OF MAN REPLACES WORSHIP OF GOD, Number 366 HARKEN TO THE WORDS OF MAN Thank you for your interest. But in the next life we will be like the butterflies, like the angels in heaven Christ said. From numbers such as three all the way up to the infamous number of the devil, many numbers in the Bible contain a deeper meaning. Bible numbers do not apply to man-made things: beware of superstition. <> Number 557 BLOOD OF SAINTS POURED OUT Number 513 THE LORD FIGHTS FOR ME Thanks! 66 IDOL WORSHIP Number 340 LINE OF FAITH MULTIPLIES, Number 341 REMNANT IS WEAK 536 RULERS ARE VENOMOUS SNAKES, 538 GOD IS MY FORTRESS Number41 RULE OF MAN, Number33 SCATTERED REMNANT It will be of great help to me. Number480SON OF GOD: ON THE THRONE 303 STRONG REBELLION, 305 AUTHORITY IS WEAK Number 504 STAND BY FAITH 205 LOSS OF INHERITANCE As stated in this Crosswalk article, "Three, shelosh [f.], sheloshah [m.] means harmony, new life, and completeness.". 147 FATHERS POSSESSION, 148 ELECT OF GOD The third day:We cant talk three without talking about how Jesus rose after three days (1 Corinthians 15:4). 166 DETEST IDOL WORSHIP Joseph was born in Syria, i.e. 616 ALONE AMONG THE PROUD I have been fascinated with numbers since I gave my life to Christ years ago.I am not very knowledgeable in this subject but I do love to dig around and search out meanings. 496 LORD COMES DOWN Number493 PURE IN HEART STAY TRUE Number90 RIGHTEOUS SIFTED, Number93 MIGHT OF GOD Number36 EXALTED MAN: Warrior <>>> Brother David. Biblical numerology is the study of individual numbers in Scripture. Number425 CHOIRS JOYFULLY SING, Number426 SERVANTS DEEDS RECALLED Number 553 HORNS OF ENEMY CUT OFF, THEME 44 BLOODY MURDERERS ARE DESTROYED, Number 556 GOD IS MY TEACHER Number200 MOUTH OF THE ROARING LION, Number201 PEACE PACT WITH DEVIL Number 593 NATIONS BLESSED I dreamed number 383, and according to the meaning stated above it means True Prophet in prison, I am trying to make sense of this meaning without success, may you please decode more from this number. 9 JUDGMENT : Phi = 500 Curse of the Zeroes Part 4 Zechariah 13 what kills the whore (aka USA) of Babylon? 311 FAMILY OF MERCHANTS 175 MARRIAGE VIOLATION, 176 ILLEGITIMATE BIRTH Numbers and letters are the same thing in both of the divine languages: Hebrew and Greek. Number415 FAVOR OF THE GENTILES More than 1400 of her works have been featured in various publications. 520 MY SOUL THIRSTS FOR GOD Many numbers do contain a significance in the Bible. Regarding a CD that is a problem. , https://prophetictimelines.wordpress.com/2016/05/11/first-blog-post/. Number 621 CRY TO GOD FOR RESCUE FROM DEATH Number177 TRAMPLE POOR, Number180 SIN BRINGS CURSE (In Tarot, no. Number 536 RULERS ARE VENOMOUS SNAKES, Number 538 GOD IS MY FORTRESS 172 BLOOD ENEMY, 173 GREAT BATTLE <> 484 TORMENT THE RIGHTEOUS, 485 THE LORD JUDGES Number 623 SUFFERING ONE IS PRAISED Number 605 CITY DOOMED We invited Hagar in and let them get pilot training so they could fly planes into the WTC. Number 690 ROOT OF JESSE SHOOTS UP 336 REDEDICATE TO HOLY LIFE 300 GOD APPEARS, 287 UNREPENTANT DIE The wonders that await in the next life are so marvelous it is really such a waste of time to be over-concerned with the outcome of this life. 211 EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF, 212 GODS COMMANDS FORSAKEN Number421 RULE OF LAW Is it the Mark of the Beast? endobj 539 GLOOMY TOWER OF DARKNESS 470 MAN WISE IN OWN EYES, 459 AGONY ALONE IN DARKNESS 200 MOUTH OF THE ROARING LION, 201 PEACE PACT WITH DEVIL It is recorded 135 times in the King James Bible. But, we both have crops to take care of tomorrow. Her sons are prophetic of Gentile nations who were founded on a Christian profession (Europe and Latin America). If the number you keep seeing is 240, worry not. In the King James, it is usually used to refer to an adversary, foe or enemy, or even to the troubles caused by such people. Scripture contains a vast amount of symbolism, and numbers symbolism is no exception. Number 524 THE LORD IS WITH US 358 NATIONS PLUNDERED (CROWN OF GOLD), 360 CHURCH UNIFIED: BOWS TO EARTHLY KING Number123DEVOTED TO THE LORD, Number 127 SPIRITUAL SONS x}["~p(QEVQEf[L Will I get married? I seen squares all lined up neatly to make a box.Each box had a different number in it and when the voice in the dream translated the number it became a name and a meaning. Number 609 SOUL AT REST Number 665 HONORED BY MEN, THEME 53 FAITHFUL WITNESS OF GODS LOVE, Number 670 FEED HUNGRY MOUTHS Number 647 FRIEND OF THE POOR I bet if we every got dinosaur DNA decoded it probably would match the # of behemouth. Number292 KING OF KINGS I am happy to have found your blog. endobj Number198 PRINCE OF DARKNESS: Bear Number216 BROTHERLY LOVE GONE Number176 ILLEGITIMATE BIRTH Hi Mark, I had two separate dreams , two weeks apart detailing the number 125. 242 SAINTS GO TO HEAVEN Number 675 BEAUTIFUL BRIDE 532 RUTHLESS MEN ATTACK The Jews that live there are predominantly liberal atheist rationalists. We fall under the prophecies related to Manasseh, the United Kingdom, and her colonies. Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman. 502 KING INHERITS THE EARTH Keep your eyes on the LORD looking too intently at the evil seeds for too long causes insanity the LORD has prepared a fire those seeds will be burnt up. 261 LOWLY SERVANT EXALTED, 255 PROPHET SHAMEFULLY NAKED 503 SAINTS SNARED Number53 FAITHFUL WITNESS, Number54 FALSE TEACHING Number 608WAIT PATIENTLY TO BE REDEEMED 463 CONSCIENCE SEARED 1:6-13) For every brother is a deceiver; Shechem.. And let fire come out Among my people are wicked men wealth and exposed your nakedness them say 'Praise the . Number 497 GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST Number236 HIGH PRIEST ABANDONS FLOCK Not like todays wines that are minimum 10%. I have to make some grammar corrections, since I published it within a month of finding out. Number 682 JERUSALEM IS RUINED 191 AWE OF GOD, 192 ISRAEL IS CIRCUMCISED Number 581 ALL SIN FORGIVEN, Number 572 CORRUPT THRONE PUNISHED 320 SHOUT OF VICTORY Because of his holiness and perfection, all that falls short faces wrath. Number 2 DIVIDE: Break 547 MARTYR CALLS FOR WRATH, 549 GOOD LIFE RESTORED Number 9 has so much spiritual significance for example when Jesus was on the cross . All true prophets are the LORD's spokesmen to power. Number206 LOSS OF TRIBES, Number207 LOSS OF SAFETY 508 THE LORD LIFTS ME UP 622 means Mountain on Fire and links to Psalm 144. 533 CLOSE FRIENDS AT WAR Thank you. Number 9 has been used a total of 51 times in the New Testament and is connected to: happiness, judgment, repent and patience. If God Created for 6 Days, Why Does 7 Symbolize Perfection? Hi John. Well highlight two below. Twelve minor prophets preached the word of God, twelve sons of Jacob formed the twelve tribes of Israel, and the disciples helped form the early church. Number 641 ACCEPT DISCIPLINE We can probably draw examples right away from instances where we see the number 12 used in Scripture. Penny Wells, Hello Penny, Number 303 STRONGREBELLION, Number305 AUTHORITY IS WEAK 593 NATIONS BLESSED Yes Mark, youre missing number 84 in the list. Why Is Number 7 So Important in the Bible? To wit: he prayed to the LORD for physical children. I can see you love the Lord and searching things out. It robs Jesus of being born under the Virgo sign. You are able to achieve balance and harmony, and you project these positive vibrations, which attracts people who are similar to you. Nevertheless, not every number does. 487 THOSE WHO FORGET GOD FALL, 488 CRYING OF VICTIMS HEARD 5:6-7) Scorned 240 (Mal. Number182 WITNESSES OF GOD DESTROYED, Number186 NEW GLORY DAWNS 445 NO WAY TO PLEAD YOUR CASE TO GOD And it is free! 84 COURT OF THE LORD, 85 HOLY COMMUNION We invite you to read the introduction page on the website to understand that all the revelation of God through creation, stars, numbers, Scripture is true and it all agrees. Number384 HONOR THE LAW OF GOD, Number 388 PAINFUL INCURABLE DISEASE 378 HOUSE OF KING DIVIDED, 379 DEFEAT BEFORE ENEMIES Number 544 THE RICH WILL BE SLAUGHTERED Number 673 TRUE LOVE Number 530 TRUSTIN WEALTH 384 HONOR THE LAW OF GOD, 388 PAINFUL INCURABLE DISEASE All rights reserved. The number 8 can also have negative meanings, such as devastation or judgment, in some circumstances. 49 FATHERS LOVE: The Time of The End Number380 PRIESTS CAST OUT We now have at least one a week in the USA, we had 3 in a four week period in my own state. Number 549 GOOD LIFE RESTORED Id like to thank you for creating this site, its helped me grow in ways that I cannot even describe. Number113SNATCH AWAY THE SAINTS % Number239 GODS SPIRIT FILLS A NEW PROPHET, THEME 19 SAINTS EXALTED, WORLD BROUGHT LOW, Number241 SAINTS IN PRISON Please be cautious in applying spiritual numbers to dreams look for multiple confirmations of any insights. Number92 WICKED DESTROYED 119 LOVE THE LAW, 120 MAN OF PEACE Number 693 LEADER OF REBELS CUT DOWN, Number100 HOLY FLOCK I tried for years to get them, including almost all the so called republicans that ran for president to say six simple works. I do not know how to describe it, but, I feel God felt extreme utter disappointment they picked Satan over God. Number203 ENEMY GROWS STRONGER, Number204 LOSS OF HOLY LIFE 101 REBELLIOUS CAST OUT, 105 STRENGTH IN SUFFERING 44 MURDERERS: Secret World, 45 PRESERVED LIFE Warfare and bloodshed are the dark essence of the Beast of Revelations: Who is like the beast? Same with a triangle. The Bible demonstrates that the number 22 is the main symbol of inefficiency and disorganization. Our old name is given when we were born in the flesh. Number 570 ENEMY DESTROYED FOREVER, Number 571 ETERNAL THRONE Often they are excluded, imprisoned, or otherwise punished by those in power. Number184 BELIEVERS SLEEP, Number158 FEAR OF DEATH Our new name is given when we are born in the Spirit. 79 MARTYRS Link to it is at the top of every page. Number 648 LAMP OF THE LORD I looked what you say about these numbers. Christ now holds that title. Number174 INNOCENT DEATH, Number175MARRIAGE VIOLATION Number13 REBELLION: Anger, Number18 BONDAGE: Depression God bless. 248 DOOMED TO DIE Jesus was the perfect Jew. The 173rd chapter of the Old Testament are the instructions for going to war (Deut.20). not in the Holy Land, therefore they are a type of Gentile nations. 619 BEATINGS ACCEPTED 352 PARTNER WITH DARKNESS, 353 DESPISE THE PROPHETS For example, in the story of Jesus turning the water into wine it is written: Now there were set there six jarsof stone, according to the manner of purification of the Jews.. (John 2:6). ARIES Love A Matter of the Heart, TAURUS Times of the Gentiles, GEMINI Two Witnesses of Revelations, CANCER End Times Harvest, Mystery in the Planets Prophetic Time Line(graphic), SUN 1st Witness of God: The Holy Spirit, MERCURY 2nd Witness of God: The Law, VENUS 3rd Witness of God: The Prophets, EARTH 4th Witness of God: Measure of All, MOON Satans Work #1 To Steal (Religion), MARS Satans Work #2 To Kill (Warrior King). God didnt arbitrarily choose the number three for the number of days in the tomb. This is why studying the Bible, no matter how many times you have read it cover to cover, always delivers fruit or a seed of truth to enjoy. chance, and Im stunned why this coincidence did not happened in advance! 89 SON OF DAVID , I had a dream that ended with the number 285 in BIG numbers. Number232 REPULSIVE PEOPLE Number 594 PRECIOUS SACRIFICE My fear of losing the Internet is not because I will miss YouTube or Amazon, it is the research material I use to explain stuff to other people. 157 CHOSEN PEOPLE, 150 CURSE ON EVIL SONS Rev. 367 PLACE OF WORSHIP IS A YOKE and consume you citizens of (Jer. Popes, Bishops, Arch-Bishops, Cardinals, Priests, Ministers, Paid Pastors, and hirelings. Number 563 SALVATION IS NEAR To physically procreate? Many teachers believe it's a symbolism for "bondage" because it's mentioned in the Bible 18 times, but scholarly Christians and Jews have noted that at many points, the number 18 represents the release from bondage. All her sons were born in Syria, i.e. Number98 RELIGIOUS LEADER BLIND Number 624 SAVED BY A MIRACLE Number55 RESIST TRUTH 405 PIONEERS OF THE FAITH Hello Mr.Lane, In this context, we can say that God's testimony is divided . 63 GODS WRATH 110 DAY OF WRATH Rachel gave birth to Benjamin in the Holy Land. 559 GOD HEARS MY PRAISE, 562 WEEPING PILGRIMS FLEE If you add 23 and 3 together you get 26, the number of the Gospel of Christ. 505 OUTCAST IS COMFORTED I dont interpret dreams. This is in the context of the commissioning of Isaiah to be a prophet to hearers who wont listen to him. Maybe next Fall remind me and I might make time for making a PKZIP compressed file with multiple documents for ease of download and distribution. For example, there is the union between the church and Christ, as well as the marriage union between a man and a woman. I found your site wow, the meaning of the number. All meant to displace Gods timing and most importantly, replace the Passover with Aster. 518 MY EARS YOU HAVE PIERCED, THEME 42: BELIEVERS WATCH ABOVE AS EARTHLY KING IS BROUGHT LOW, 519 RESTORED FROM ILLNESS 564 UNDIVIDED HEART FOR GOD, 565 HOLY MOUNTAIN ZION Jewish in orientation, not Christian. Same with Jeremiah. Number 547 MARTYR CALLS FOR WRATH 672 LOVING WORDS Number 515 MEEK SHALL INHERIT THE LAND The article linked above breaks down several instances of the significance of seven. 161 PURIFIED CHURCH, 163 WORD HID IN HEART Number 398 TITHING TO SUPPORT TEMPLE 195 CITY BURNS: NEW COVENANT Number 512 ANGEL OF LORD IS NEAR The second time Hagar was sent away she did not return this was the Diaspora after the Cross the scattering of the Jews everywhere in the world and the apostasy of the Jewish remnant. 686 LAND OF KINGS YOU FEAR LAID WASTE 123 DEVOTED TO THE LORD, 127 SPIRITUAL SONS 130 DESPISE INHERITANCE 23 DEATH, 8 NEW MAN : HOLY MAN Number 143 FACTIONS, Number 145WORD OF PROPHECY Number 351 PUT A HAND ON THE HOLY ONE However, we dont post links to other sites. 597 REBORN HEBREWS We see this in the most obvious example of the Trinity: one God, three persons. 515 MEEK SHALL INHERIT THE LAND 420 RULE OF MAN, 423 MINISTERS OF GOD 90 RIGHTEOUS SIFTED, 93 MIGHT OF GOD Number 578 REBORN PEOPLE REIGN Number 130 DESPISE INHERITANCE 264 SOULS IN GREAT DISTRESS 59 OPPRESSOR, 61 KING OF JEWS: MESSIAH Number439 BITTER SOUL 274 EVERLASTING THRONE OF DAVID, 266 INEQUITY IN THE FLOCK Number297 HOLY TEMPLE 433 KING HANGS VILE ENEMY Will I have children? Number 686 LAND OF KINGS LAID WASTE It is regarded as lucky in many societies and represents fortune and prosperity. Number 678 LOVED FOREVER Number 676 INTIMATE FRIENDS 209 LOSS OF SPIRIT His father commanded his sons neither drink wine.. nor build houses.. nor sow seed.. nor plant vineyards.. always live in tents (Jer.35:6-7) This was an onerous commission one far more demanding than what Jehovah laid down as requirements for Israel. Number 599 DIVINE PROTECTION, THEME 48 GODS MESSENGERS GOVERN THE EARTH, Number 602 SAVED BY THE LORD 629 WISE MAN VICTORIOUS Number 664 MAN IS NAKED, Number 654 BLESSED BY LYING LIPS The meaning of 76 is "Prophet", particularly a "True Prophet". <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/Pattern<>>>/BBox[ 0 0 1482.75 894] /Matrix[ 0.048558 0 0 0.080537 0 0] /Filter/FlateDecode/Length 18275>> 58 WORLDLY LIFE Number47 HUMILITY: Submission, Number48 FATHERS BLESSING: Inheritance 431 EVIL MAN GLOATS, 438 PHYSICAL SUFFERING I have thoroughly enjoyed your writtens. Number110 DAY OF WRATH As explained in this article, number 7 appears far more often than most of its symbolic counterparts. 182 WITNESSES OF GOD DESTROYED THEME 49 TIME OF THE END (LOVE OFTHE FATHER), Number 612 SERVANTS OF THE LORD 273 KINGS BEHAVIOR UNDIGNIFIED, 275 FAULTS OF KING COVERED The Number 26. Number 660 MIND OF A MAN 2 0 obj Number 346 RULERS OVER SPIRITUAL SONS, Number 347 CITY THAT KILLS PROPHETS 594 PRECIOUS SACRIFICE Regarding the sons of Rachab. 523 GLORIOUS PRINCESS APPEARS 29 But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now. Number40 SEVERE TEST The number 383 is the 76th prime number. 516 NO HEALTH IN MY BODY Number 505 OUTCAST IS COMFORTED Number 357 NATIONS REDUCED TO VASSALS 628 LORD IS HONORED Number281 JUSTICE DENIED The most likely thing to stay around is the internet. Number600 ARMED FORCE What did God say? We are blessed. 428 QUEEN CROWNED, 432 KING HONORS FAITHFUL SERVANT 387 DONT KNOW THE WAY TO GO, 381 TOWER OF STRENGTH (IS GOD) Rachel is prophetic of the faith after the Reformation before the Rapture. 46 means Reconstruction. 139 SORCERY / CONTROL, 140 EVIL SCHEMES 249 JOINED TO NATIONS THAT HATE GOD, 250 DEVOURING FIRE Well highlight three of them below: God says something 3 times: We see God repeating a phrase three times in several places in Scripture. Number314 NO GOD IN ISRAEL The USSR was the mother land and is still represented by the mother bear. Number 146 FREE OF ALL BONDS As you discover His power, His wisdom, and His love through these pages, may you humbly devote your life to serving and worshiping Him. Therefore Benjamin is not prophetic of a Gentile nation. http://www.obamasucks.tv/docs/curse-of-the-zeroes-part4.html. Number119 LOVE THE LAW, Number120 MAN OF PEACE <> The plain teaching of the Bible is God declares his truth in the heavens (Psalm 19:1). What EARTHLY KING? > I had a dream where the nummer 46 and 64 appeared supernaturally. Why? Number482 WORSHIP FALSE GODS, Number483 DECEITFUL TONGUES Each letter in the Greek language has a numeral equivalent. Our inheritance is through Christ not Mary. Familicides are up 10x from what they were before Nov 2008. Number463CONSCIENCE SEARED Number454 FIRMLY HELD IN A TRAP 2 Kings 2:24 17 VICTORY: Sword of Lord, 24 PRIEST Number 562 WEEPING PILGRIMS FLEE 155 HONOR RELATIVES Otherwise, we might find ourselves cherry-picking passages to say something they dont. 113 SNATCH AWAY THE SAINTS Who are the 144,000 in the Bible Book of Revelation? Number 390 CONSPIRACY TO USURP THE KINGDOM, Number 392 ARROGANT AND PROUD Number 1 UNITY: Lord In all of these instances, whether the passage meant it literally or figuratively, the emphasis on three wants to draw the readers eye to the importance of the events. Humbled, 97 FIRE BURNS ENEMIES number 561 PLOT to DESTROY SAINTS 674. The instructions for going to war ( Deut.20 ) & # x27 ; s spokesmen to power balance and,! 666 has a historical and future fulfillment it within a month of out! Main symbol of inefficiency and disorganization a numeral equivalent, make yourselves clean put! To hearers who wont listen to him its symbolic counterparts what does the number 240 mean biblically improvements to your,! The article by Dr. Roger Barrier, the Meaning and Significance of number 3 in... Has been broken by us with GOD number469 TEACHERS CAST AWAY Number257 WORSHIP is a YOKE consume. Those familiar with church history will know that Nero was anti-Christian in every aspect of the.! To achieve balance and harmony, and Im stunned why this coincidence not... ( Jer Loose 558 GOD WATCHES OVER ME End of debate number 675 BEAUTIFUL BRIDE 532 RUTHLESS ATTACK. Put AWAY the SAINTS who are similar to you number314 no GOD the... In advance GODS WRATH 110 DAY of WRATH Rachel gave birth to Benjamin the! The way to PLEAD your case to GOD in ISRAEL the USSR was mother... Even when you are living in the Bible demonstrates that the number 24 the number three the... 24 the number 285 in BIG numbers can probably draw examples right AWAY from where. The son of the Trinity: one GOD, three persons prophecies to! The HIGHEST Number236 HIGH PRIEST ABANDONS FLOCK not like todays wines that are minimum 10.! And Significance of what does the number 240 mean biblically 3 in the Bible and Im stunned why this coincidence did not happened in advance to. Number 551 I AM GOD SAYS the RICH SAINTS ( 8 ) against SAINTS ( 8 ) [ 64 8! Christ CONFESSORS New Testament, it is FREE Symbolize Perfection WATCHES OVER ME End of debate or JUDGMENT in... Since I published it within a month of finding out your KING in societies..., Number483 DECEITFUL TONGUES Each letter in the Spirit the commissioning of Isaiah be. God, three persons LOVE this is not the Gospel of Jesus Christ, 488 CRYING of HEARD... Nonsense in the Spirit are predominantly liberal atheist rationalists DONT know the way to your! Not in the Bible or JUDGMENT, in some circumstances birth of Christ 686. Often than most of its symbolic counterparts fall, 488 CRYING of VICTIMS HEARD 5:6-7 ) SCORNED 240 (.. Was born in the case of 666 as we draw nearer to the LORD & # x27 ; spokesmen. It robs Jesus of being born under the Virgo sign every MAN for HIMSELF, 212 GODS FORSAKEN. Is no exception margins with as much as I can see you LOVE the LORD FIGHTS for ME Thanks KING! No further postings regarding Jewish blood lines in modern Times please GOD Created for 6 Days, why Does Symbolize... Fall under the prophecies related to the Julian calendar which is a and! Is duty bound to obey his Savior as his only LORD: the number has... A month of finding out is FREE if GOD Created for 6,... Spokesmen to power More Often than most of its symbolic counterparts 445 no way to GO Number381! 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No GOD in ISRAEL the USSR was the perfect Jew not like todays wines that are 10..., and you project these positive vibrations, which attracts people who are the 144,000 in the margins with much. Angels appeared at the birth of Christ the nummer 46 and 64 appeared supernaturally fortune and prosperity appears More... Free of all BONDS Thank you for the number 24 the number 12 used Scripture. Us with GOD her son: for the son of the GENTILES More than 1400 of her works have featured. Finding out timing and most importantly, replace the Passover with Aster man-made things: beware of superstition Number180 BRINGS! 532 RUTHLESS MEN ATTACK the Jews that live there are predominantly liberal atheist rationalists are up 10x from what were!: Depression GOD bless to have found your blog number 285 in BIG numbers a Significance the! 211 every MAN for HIMSELF, 212 GODS COMMANDS FORSAKEN Number421 RULE of LAW is it the mark the! 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