how is the nun's priest tale a mock heroic


Here, Chaucer makes a biblical reference to Saint Paul, who the reader may or may not know. "The Reeve's Tale" is the third story told in Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales. A cock whose name is Chanticleer, and the second leading role, Chanticleer's wife, a hen with the . on 50-99 accounts. (In middle English. Once, a cock is carried away by a fox but later escapes. The hens in the barnyard wail louder than the woman of Troy did when their city was captured. Because the story's details have been passed down over the ages, it is considered a fable. Women want brave men, not cowards. Friday, the day of Venus, the goddess of love, whose devoted servant the amorous Chanticleer so obviously was, is the day decreed by cruel fate to be the day of this heros downfall. Mock Heroic- A poem about a trivial matter written in the style of a serious epic. Marie de France's Del Cok at del Gupil, Notice Chaucer changed his mind and had the Prioress accompanied by only one priest rather than three. Religious members are highly insulted and mocked in many of Chaucer's pilgrim tales. This Chanticleer stood high upon his toes, Stretching his neck, and both his eyes did close, And so did crow right loudly, for the nonce; And Russel Fox, he started up at once, And by the gorget grabbed our Chanticleer, Flung him on back, and toward the wood did steer, For there was no man who as yet pursued.' She has a cock and many hens. The relevance of dreams: the debate over Chantecleer's dream is the main conflict between Pertelote and the rooster for the first half of the tale. A fox may certainly be called a homicide, but to call him a new Judas Iscariot and compare him with other notorious traitors in human history is surely to touch the heights of extravagance. The fable is a mock-heroic which is a story that relates to an epic taking tribal subjects and blowing them out of proportion. Offer for students: unlock all articles by joining us on Patreon for $3. A poor old widow with little property and small income leads a sparse life, and it does not cost much for her to get along. The language used. Show More. A poor, elderly widow lives a simple life in a cottage with her two daughters. The "Nun's Priest's Tale" and other misogynist viewpoints highlight the standards that sexist males held for women during the middle ages. for instance, Chaucer is exactly, preposterously. Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. The most direct source text of the Tale is a fable by Marie de France. A heroic poem is an epic poem. That gretter was there noon under the sonne. Easy English Notes 2021. A poem written in four line stanzas. Although there's unlikely a measure of a rooster's crowing, this description means to build up part of Chaunticleer's character by saying he has such an amazing voice. Chaucer: Nuns Priests Tale A mock epic, Chaucer's Art of Characterization in 'The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales'. The free trial period is the first 7 days of your subscription. This is because a mock-heroic takes simple matters and exaggerates them. When the fox runs off with Chanticleer clenched in his jaws, the entire scene is narrated with elevated and sophisticated language used in many epics to enhance the climatic tones and spectacular . a rooster which was beautifully coloured, with a comb redder than coral, and a beak as black as jet, and gold feathers. He tells the fox that flattery will work for him no more. In the description of Chaunticleer, the use of azure reinforces his courtly appearance. Continue to start your free trial. Nun's Priest's Tale is a mock-epic. The Nuns Priests Tale. The sorrowful cries of the hens have been identified with the woeful lamentation, uttered by the senators wives when their husbands were burnt alive by Nero. The Nun's Priest's Tale is told in the form of a fable defined as a narration in which animals speak and act like humans. The mock-heroic tone is also used in other instances: when the Nun's Priest describes the capture of the Don . In what ways does Chaucer use "The Nun's Priest's Tale" to ridicule the heroic style? Sometimes it can end up there. How does the Nun's Priest tale mock religion? One chicken, her rooster, is named Chanticleer, which in French means sings clearly. True to his name, Chanticleers cock-a-doodle-doo makes him the master of all roosters. The Nun's Priest's Tale. Chauntecleer tricks the fox into letting him go. Instant PDF downloads. Nun's Priest's Tale is a mock-epic. 20% Her few possessions include three sows, three cows, a sheep, and some chickens. The narrator notes that not even the crew of Jack Straw, the reputed leader of the English peasants rebellion in 1381, made half as much noise as did this barnyard cacophony: Certes, he Jakke Straw and his meynee / Ne made nevere shoutes half so shrille / Whan that they wolden any Flemyng kille, /As thilke day was maad upon the fox (33943397). A mock-heroic Canterbury Tale that is widely regarded as one of Chaucer's best. O Gaufred. Read a translation of The Epilogue to the Nuns Priests Tale. for at intervals the narrator reminds us of the farmyard and the triviality of the subject, so that we recognise the grand style as having a mock-serious motive. But in mock-heroic poetry, such language becomes comic because of its use in relation to the pettiness of the subject. Hamartia which throws him from prosperity into adversity; his death is not essential. Your group members can use the joining link below to redeem their group membership. The neologism, "jeans," was introduced by Levi Strauss in 1853 when he responded to miners' need for durable clothing by adapting the blue canvas pants worn by Genovese sailors. The Nun's Priest is one of the pilgrims in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales of whom we know virtually nothing before . At the end the Host comments the Nun's Priest Tale complexion was? He merrily wishes the Nuns Priest good luck. A povre widwe, somdel stope in age, Was whylom dwelling in a narwe cotage, Bisyde a grove, stonding in a dale. The Nun's Priest's Tale is a mock epic and is absolutely hilarious because of the ridiculous disparity between the manner of writing and the subject matter. We must also remember the cause of the discussion of divine foreknowledge: Lady Pertelote thinks that Chaunticleer's dream or nightmare was the result of his constipation, and she recommends a laxative. Thanks for stopping by! But all these high-sounding phrases are used for mere cock. Pertelote dismisses Chanticleer's dream . Chaucer uses several of the conventions and techniques of epic writing in his farmyard fable! "The Nun's Priest's Tale" (Middle English: The Nonnes Preestes Tale of the Cok and Hen, Chauntecleer and Pertelote) is one of The Canterbury Tales by the Middle English poet Geoffrey Chaucer. Once, a cock is carried away by a fox but later escapes. There is a widow, having two daughters. There is a widow, having two daughters. A poor widow, rather advanced in age, had a small cottage beside a grove, standing in a dale. "The Nun's Priest's Tale" is told in the form of a fable. Most of the comedy is introduced through the incongruity and disproportion between grand style and trivial subject. This contrast is an oblique comment on human pretensions and aspirations in view of the background, made clear when Don Russel challenges Chaunticleer to sing, and the flattery blinds Chaunticleer to the treachery. The tale is ordinary and common. Neither the fall of Troy, says the Priest, nor the conquest of Carthage, nor Neros burning of Rome caused such lamentation as this. A great example of dramatic irony occurs during 'The Nun's Priest's Tale.' Chanticleer is a rooster who has had a . Detail by detail to her feet.Let the splendour (of her description) descend from the top of the head to the very root and let all, at he same time, be published to the toe-nail. Macrobius the author of a famous commentary on Cicero's account of The Dream of Scipio. The tale might also be considered a mock heroic in its parody of rhetorical elaboration and fads of the intellectual life. 1. According to Aristotle- Here, the tale refers to human beings and the treachery found in the court through flattery. The Nun's Priest's Tale is a fable, a simple tale about animals that concludes with a moral lesson. d. Pharaoh The Nuns Priests Prologue, Tale, and Epilogue, The Pardoners Introduction, Prologue, and Tale. bookmarked pages associated with this title. The Nun's Priest's Tale is ultimately based on the fable "Del cok e del gupil" ("The Cock and the Fox") by Marie de France. (line 26) The narrator says, 'Go read the Ecclesiast on flattery; Beware, my lords, of all their treachery! Their behaviors and characteristics strongly contrast those of their keeper, the widow. Chaunticleer suggests to the fox to turn around and shout insults at his pursuers. The . You'll also receive an email with the link. Iscariot, Judas the betrayer of Jesus to the Romans. Refine any search. But here a mere cock, as he struts up and down in a yard pecking at grains of corn and clucking to his hens, is called a grim lion. The hens in the barnyard make such a terrible commotion that they arouse the entire household. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Top 12 Online Spoken English Classes in Kolkata, Mastering Calculus with Desmos Graphing Calculator: A Step-by-Step Tutorial, Shooting an Elephant as a Narrative Essay, Prose Style of George Orwell in Shooting an Elephant, Of Travel by Francis Bacon Summary and Analysis, The Lamb William Blake Analysis, Summary, Theme, Symbolism, Brownings Optimism in The Last Ride Together, Critical Analysis The Lotos Eaters by Alfred Tennyson, Ode to the West Wind Analysis | Ode to the West Wind Critical Appreciation, Torvald Helmer | Character Sketch in A Dolls House, The Monkeys Paw | Summary, Analysis, Theme, Symbolism. Save over 50% with a SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan! Using the technique of a mock-heroic tale, the Nun's Priest takes a trivial event and elevates it to a climatic story in an almost comic way. Sinon a Greek who persuaded the Trojans to take the Greeks' wooden horse into their city, the result of which was the destruction of Troy. The comparison to Lady Pertelote is apropos. Aesop First, the poet uses his elevated style in describing Chauntecleer (the cock)'s merits and beauty through a series of . Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. Arts & Humanities English English Literature. Read a translation of The Tale of the Nuns Priest. Lady Pertelote cries out, "For shame . B. The cock is thus a real cock in the same way in which the poor widows cottage and yard are real. In these lines taken from Chaucer's The Nun's Priest's Tale', the family of the cock Chanticleer is described. Into the fable framework, the Nuns Priest brings parodies of epic poetry, medieval scholarship, and courtly romance. Exemplum-moral anecdote used to prove the point of the sermon, A. b. Homer's Iliad and Odyssey and Milton's Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained are the well-known heroic poems. More than one critic has seen the rather obvious mock-heroic tone of the tale,4 but most of the commentators who have discussed this ZNotes on Chaucer (Northampton, Mass. (b) In what ways are color and images of darkness used to express meaning? General Prologue: The Knight through the Man of Law, General Prologue: The Franklin through the Pardoner. Chaucers style in the poem is grand. a. Though the subject is trivial, yet this trivial subject has been exalted because fowls . Others, even kings, have suffered disaster on a Friday, and this places Chanticleer in their exalted company. For example, Chanticleer is called a gentle cock and his crowing is sweeter than that of any other cock. Physiologus a collection of nature lore, describing both the natural and supernatural. She urges him once more not to dread something as fleeting and illusory as a dream. After the Monk has told his tale, the Knight pleads that no more tragedies be told. And Chaunticleer's responsibility, making sure the sun does not go back down in the morning, is ludicrous. LitCharts Teacher Editions. This widwe, of which I telle yow my tale, Sin thilke day that she was last a wyf, In pacience ladde a ful simple lyf, For litel was hir catel and hir rente; By housbondrye, of such as God hir sente, She fond hir-self, and eek hir . Id love to hear from you. All Rights Reserved. Fox turns up, tricks Chauntecleer into getting captured. The nun's priest compares the rooster Chanticleer to epic Greek heroes such as Hector and Achilles. The barn-yard becomes inflated until it can stand comparison with Rome. Using the poem from the previous discussion, answer the questions below: (a) What words does Hughes use to describe color or images of darkness? Fortunately, the next time the fox tries to use his charms to get to Chanticleer, the rooster has learned his lesson. B. So an animal fable has been elevated to the level of a philosophical poem, having deep thoughts and ideas. The cock and the hen behave, talk, argue and conduct like extraordinary human beings. Both are elegies. The pilgrim we know next to nothing about. The fox tries to flatter the bird into coming down, but Chanticleer has learned his lesson. For example, in The Nuns Priests Tale the ordinary event of taking away of a cock is compared and contrasted with famous and grave historical events of the past. The incongruity of style and subject matter produces comic effects; ridicule, by imitation, of chivalric literature and heroic characters. "The Nun's Priest's Tale" Analysis Essay "The Nun's Priest's Tale" is a poem written by Geoffrey Chaucer around the 1390's which forms part of the "" collection with its own timeline including prequels and sequels. Don Brunel the Ass a twelfth-century work by the Englishman Nigel Wireker. following the rules laid down for describing a beautiful girl, in a solemnly rhetorical work called Poetria Nova. How long has Chanticleer known Pertelote? We hardly believe that they are fowls. Stylistically, however, the tale is much more complex than its simple plot would suggest. Did you know you can highlight text to take a note? More Mock Rhetorical! This rooster is beautiful, and nowhere in the land is there a cock who can match him in crowing. Heroic literature also emblazons its events and persons with a wealth of reference, literary and mythological, to other great deeds. This inappropriateness gives rise to a lot of fun. A mock-heroic Canterbury Tale that is widely regarded as one of Chaucer's best. . To compare the plight of Chaunticleer to that of Homer's Hector and to suggest that the chase of the fox is an epic chase similar to classical epics indicates the comic absurdity of the situation. | The Nun's Priest contrasts the two human worlds of the poor and the rich in the description of the poor widow and the elegant Chaunticleer. The Nun's Priest's Tale (Middle English: the Nonnes Preestes Tale of the Cok and Hen, Chauntecleer and Pertelote[1]) is one of The Canterbury Tales by the Middle English poet Geoffrey Chaucer. Short Questions and Answers / Explanations This gentil cok..every lith. We find the cock and the hen having learned and philosophical discussion on dreams which later includes some vital issues of human life. In Nuns Priests Tale moral is explicit as well as implicit. They also make historical references and illustrations to substantiate their respective points of view. The Pardoner's Introduction, Prologue, and Tale, The Nun's Priest's Prologue, Tale, and Epilogue, Geoffrey Chaucer and The Canterbury Tales Background, Read more about the historical context of. And yet, for all the seeming extravagance of Chanticleers appearance, Chaucer was describing an actual breed of fowl, one known to the experts by the name of Golden Spangled Hamburg. Pertelote dismisses Chanticleers dream of being attacked and tells him to go about his business. The Nun' Priest's Tale, and The Rape of the Lock. as in modern, "crowing" can also mean boasting or bragging.) The Nuns Priest uses mock-Homeric similes in his comparison of the hens to the Trojans wives. Andromache wife of Hector, leader of the Trojan forces, who one night dreamed of Hector's death. For Lady Pertelote and Chaunticleer to discuss divine foreknowledge in a high intellectual and moral tone in the context of barnyard chickens is the height of comic irony. Which of these do "The Nun's Priest's Tale" and Pearl have in common? This kind of inflation or false aggrandisement, is the secret of the mock-heroic technique. Compares Chauecr's tale to Robert Henryson's Taill of Schir Chantecleir and the Foxe. Chaucer uses elevated language to describe a fox catching a rooster in a barnyard a far cry from the classic epics. Pertelote, likewise, has the best colouring on her throat and she is called a fair damsel. Although it appears to be a simple animal fable with a moral, the Tale ends up being much more complicated, with lots of allusions and plot twists. Stylistically, however, the tale is much more complex than its simple plot would suggest. (Such invocations are also called apostrophes). The incongruity of style and subject matter produces comic effects; ridicule, by imitation, of chivalric literature and heroic characters. A good deal of the comedy of this poem lies in the incongruity of treating the episode of the cock, the hen, and the fox as if it were a major event of world-wide importance; and the characters have been built up accordingly. Theme in Nun's Priest's Tale. The narrator (the Priest) heightens the mock-heroic element of his story by a comic use of lofty similes. Understandably, such an attractive cock would have to be the Don Juan of the barnyard. In all that land. What lesson might the fox say is the moral of the story? the dream, the dream stories and the debate on dreams . We find the cock and the hen having learned and philosophical discussion on dreams which later includes some vital issues of human life. He removes blame from himself by allowing his character to narrate. You'll be billed after your free trial ends. Here lies the mock element besides the dialogue of the poem. from your Reading List will also remove any The Nun's Priest's Tale Summary. and any corresponding bookmarks? Into the fable framework, the Nun's Priest brings parodies of epic poetry, medieval scholarship, and courtly romance. Removing #book# Chaunticleer and Pertelote argue over the correct interpretation of dreams, each citing literary authorities to back up their claims. What does this quote from the proverb "Mulier est hominis confusio", translate as? She has a cock and many hens. It is centered on a quasi-divine figure on whose actions depends the fate of an . The Nun's Priest's Tale is an allegory that uses animals with human characteristics in order to portray the moral of the story. The mock-heroic tone is established at the very outset, with the description of Chanticleer. Write an analysis of the content and structure of "The Nun's Priest's Tale." Beowulf is a heroic tale; "The Nun's Priest's Tale" is mock-heroic. Chauntecleer uses the story of Hector losing his life on a battlefield to a rooster being eaten by a fox. Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. . Afterward, how does the Host jokingly compliment the priest? Likewise, the ordinary event of the taking away of the cock has been equated with well-known, historical events of the past e.g. The next day, Chanticleer notices the fox while watching a butterfly, and the fox confronts him with dissimulating courtesy, telling the rooster not to be afraid. A heroic narrative poem about a national hero. SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4.99/month or $24.99/year as selected above. We know that Chanticleer is making a mistake when he drops his guard and sings for the fox. In the case of "The Nun's Priest's Tale" a character has no lack of milk and bread . It is to this teacher that Chaucer pays ironical tribute in The Nuns Priests Tale. Purchasing By signing up you agree to our terms and privacy policy. Now let s bring out the mock-heroic elements of the narrative poem. The Second Nun's Prologue and Tale. the equinoctial wheel imaginary band encircling the earth and aligned with the equator. Although he had learnt so much from them. . Renews March 8, 2023 The decks with blood are red, The arrows of death are sped, The ships are filled with the dead, And the spears the champions hurl. 2 points of view on the reality of dreams and the discussion ends in no conclusion. Deere maister soverayn! Nun's Priest's Tale notes: Elements from the poem: Sermon Reflection . The Nun's Priest's Tale, The Sovereignty of Marriage versus the Wife's Obedience. NPT is a beast fable and a mock- epic tale based on an incident in the Reynard Cycle in medieval Age. She has cattle and sheep as is usual with the villagers. The diction used in this description had deliberate courtly overtones, and the colours suggest all the splendours of medieval heraldry. mock-epic, also called mock-heroic, form of satire that adapts the elevated heroic style of the classical epic poem to a trivial subject. It is a long narrative poem written in an elevated style. We might call it the dimension of importance. The Nun's Priests uses many of the conventions of both courtly romance and Homeric epic to describe his barnyard scene, lifting his story from . The Nuns Priests Tale is a fable, a simple tale about animals that concludes with a moral lesson. He employs bombastic words for a trivial subject. The more daring the comparison, the more mock-heroic it becomes in a low context. The more daring the comparison, the more mock-heroic it becomes in a low context. It was a popular belief in the time of Chaucer that cocks crowed punctually on the hour. This comparison is absurd and comic, especially because Chanticleer is really a coward. So, the subject matter of an epic is grand and thats why it is written in bombastic language in heroic couplets. The tale is ordinary and common. To suggest that animals behave like humans is to suggest that humans often behave like animals. Why does Chaucer purposefully translate "Mulier est hominus confusio" incorrectly? Poet. It warns against flattery about Chanticleer, a rooster with seven wives, and a fox who aims to seize the rooster. It is hilariously done, since into the squawkings and struttings of poultry life, Chaucer transposes scenes of a heros dreaming of death and courting his lady love, in a manner that imitates the overblown, descriptive style of romances. How does the fox appeal to Chanticleer's vanity? The simple life and the plain diet. The author of such a poem makes the subject look ridiculous by placing it in a framework entirely inappropriate to its nature. A mock-epic is a literary parody of heroic style. The prize for this contest is a free meal at the inn they will return to. The Christian or religious attitude to poverty and wealth or action. Nun's Priest's Tale is a mock- epic. Crosus (Croesus) King of Lydia, noted for his great wealth. The poet says that Chanticleer, the cock had a harem of sev Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! Furthermore, the poet has introduced an elaborate discussion on the significance of dreams, with a brief reference to such philosophical questions as those of predestination and free will in human affairs. As Pope put it, The use of the grand style on little subjects is not only ludicrous, but a sort of transgression against the rules of proportion and mechanics. Analysis of William Carlos Williamss Stories. This tale is told by the nun's priest in response to a request for a light-hearted story, and it is indeed one of the merrier tales in the book. In short, we can say that Nuns Priests Tale is a parody of an epic in which all the leading epic features and conventions are brought in connection with a very trifling theme. Drop me a line anytime, whether its about any queries or demands or just to share your well-being. A. Mock Rhetorical-remember the mock-heroic for a group? Apostrophes-Famous traitors(Iscariot, Ganelon, Sinon) On the taking away of the cock whole village human beings as well animals madly run after the fox and there is a stale of chaos as if it is the day of judgment whereas the carrying away of the cock by the fox is not a grave event. Dependent on Irony Chanticleer very cleverly suggests that the fox turn and boast to his pursuers. In beast fables such as The Nun's Priest's Tale, animal characters take on human characteristics. Open Document. The Host points out the Nuns Priests strong muscles, his great neck, and his large breast, and compares him to a sparrow-hawk. At that moment, the fox races to the cock, grasps him about the neck, and makes off with him. Ful many a rich contree hadde he wonne; What with his wysdom and his chilvalrie. He uses complex literary allusions to make his point. The Host picks the Nuns Priest, the priest traveling with the Prioress and her nun, and demands that he tell a tale that will gladden the hearts of the company members. In the context of dreams, Chanticleer not only tells two stories of human misfortune but also reinforces his argument with reference to Kenelm, Daniel, Joseph, the King of Egypt, the King of Lydia, and Andromache. A fox may certainly be called a homicide; but to call him a new Judas Iscariot and compare him with other notorious traitors in human history is surely to touch the heights of extravagance. . CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. The idea of a "sooty bower" or hall is absurd: The rich would never allow such a thing. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Nun's Priest's Tale is a mock-epic. Chanticleer relishes the foxs flattery of his singing. Poverty has moral approval. When Chanticleer first sees the fox, he is afraid, but the fox is able to persuade him through flattery that he is a friend that only wants to hear him sing. Alexander Pope's poem The Rape of the Lock is an excellent example a mock-heroic composition; it treats a trivial event (the theft of a lock of hair, in this case) as if it were sublime. You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. Read more about the historical context of The Canterbury Tales. Metaphor ~ "His voice was merrier than the organ gay" (line 27) Neither the fall of Troy nor the conquest of Carthage, nor Neros burning of Rome caused such laments clucking in their yard, are compared to wives and mothers suffering some of the most tragic moments in history. The moral of the story, says the Nuns Priest, is to never trust flatterersperhaps a subtle jab at some of his fellow pilgrims. to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. . f. Andromache The fox opens his mouth to do so, and Chanticleer flies out of the foxs mouth and into a high tree. Ganelon, Geeniloun the betrayer of Roland, nephew of Charlemagne, to the Moors in the medieval French epic The Song of Roland. The agony of innocent suffering is transferred, by way of the slain Roman senators wives, to the hens. She is as lovely as Chanticleer is magnificent. Explains that humor, elevated language, stories-within-stories, character development, moral lessons, and other elements should be considered. In the Canterbury Tales, the Nun's Priest is called upon to tell a fun story, because the Monk has just told a real downer.So, he tells a beast fable. He is the master, so he thinks, of seven lovely hens. Teachers and parents! Chanticleer calls to witness characters from history, mythology and the Bible So far as problems of predestination and free choice are concerned, the narrator (not Chanticleer) mentions such scholars as Augustine, Boethius and Bradwardin, Thus celebrities of world-wide fame find their way into a story that deals with a cock and a fox. Though the subject is trivial, yet this trivial subject has been exalted because fowls . Renew your subscription to regain access to all of our exclusive, ad-free study tools. 1. When the. He dreams about being eaten by a fox and then they have some raunchy chicken sex. Subscribe now. Geoffrey Chaucer: Canterbury Tales, "Nun's Priest's Tale" Genre: a beast fable, of the sort best known to us in the collection attributed to the Hellenistic African slave, Aesop.The antagonist in this tale has his own "series" of beast fables, the "Reynard the Fox" tradition, which exists in many manuscripts in both French and English. Subject matter produces comic effects ; ridicule, by way of the Canterbury.. Fox opens his mouth to do so, the more mock-heroic it becomes in a solemnly rhetorical work called Nova. Down over the correct interpretation of dreams, each citing literary authorities to back up their claims diction used this... Innocent suffering is transferred, by way of the poem by way of the Lock places Chanticleer in their company. Will return to takes simple matters and exaggerates them story of Hector losing his life a. Terms and devices fate of an is written in bombastic language in heroic couplets comparison of poem! 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