confucianism, daoism and legalism


If the chosen Emperor fails to be kind and rule by the moral standards of the Gods, natural disasters and rebellions would happen and he would eventually be overthrown. While legalism worked in the short term to unite China, most believed that it was not a philosophy that could be sustained in the long term. Pharapreising and interpretation due to major educational standards released by a particular educational institution as well as tailored to your educational institution if different; Daoists believed that if all people ceased striving for glory, riches, and attainment, there would be no war, no envy, and lessened suffering. People no longer wanted to believe in the Mandate of Heaven. In addition, Legalism only focused on family members in their capacity as citizens. Both systems disliked governments that employed killing and wished for a non-aggressive rule. Therefore, when the people are naive, if you regulate them with fame, there will be good government; when everybody in the world is intelligent, if you discipline them with penalties, they will obey. The principle that fortune relies on misfortune; misfortune hides in fortune is also a key concept. In this way, the Dao was often described as resistant to description or definition: a nameless, shapeless, but also a creative force in the universe. The purpose of this ruling was to get the people of china to follow the rule, and if they didnt there was a very harsh punishment. However, when it comes to political systems, Daoism doesn't influence many people. 0000053833 00000 n The utopia of Taoism is A small nation with few people and The ruler can govern the country by doing nothing.. Confucius philosophy was more rigid, while the other philosophy was more easy going and let nature and the universe take its course. 0000001964 00000 n A ruler has to be everything he wants his people to be: intelligent, patient, graceful - you get the idea. Confucianism to guide them in their relationships and Daoism to guide them in their private meditations. K}1sHw#F0+m@ }T}/sXLw_(|1E >G{P^">;&{HA9&ujCrs^u^d@bW@b2Sub*i( #[15'* eC>(>RAmi5fxSa@hH{@^@E@Uk8!%spRf Okay, so maybe that's not exactly how Confucious put it, but it's close enough. In. By the 12th century, Confucianism had evolved into a rigid philosophy that calls for preserving heavenly laws and repressing human desires. Direct link to Unzeer Kamal's post what do legalism and conf, Posted 4 years ago. Confucius was the scholar and philosopher who founded Confucianism. Direct link to Dylan Garner's post Could people abandon the , Posted 5 years ago. ), Mencius, and Xunzi. This may seem like a contradiction, but it makes sense when you consider the fact that Daoism is a kind of anti-activism; it asserts that the best life is one of willful ignorance, seeking no knowledge and avoiding involvement in politics or public life. 0000002467 00000 n Three competing belief systems (Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism) came to prominence during the Warring States period of Chinese history. Need a custom essay sample written specially to meet your The decreased power of local nobles led to the establishment of an administrative system that answered directly to the head of Qin. The Qin used controlling Legalistic ideas while the Han used the relationship building Confucianism. The Han Dynasty arose in 206 B.C.E, unifying China and ruling under a Confucian structure. Confucianism was started by Kung Fuzi (We know him as Confucius, but his name actually meant "Kung the philosopher"). Such extreme measures were taken by the government in order to scare others from committing the same crime. While at the court of the Qin leader, a former colleague of his, Li Si, managed to have him imprisoned. All three approaches were very distinct but at the same time, they contained similarities as well. (Today Lu is called Shandong Province.) Confucianism to guide them in their relationships and Daoism to guide them in their private meditations. Legalism applied to all social classes anyone who broke the laws was punished regardless of status. Legalism was the approach that actually ended all the fighting, but at a heavy price: books were burned, and all free thinking was stopped. He believed that the ruler should gain respect through his deeds rather that achieving it through his status and authority. hb```f``+ @19Em@-::tGGXPbe~F%&\ W/0N(`qC`N3fY1\fL` s@@^e3]>3ga` The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Subscribe to our Newsletter! Free thinking was encouraged, but it was considered disgraceful to question your elders. Before the beginning of Legalism, judgments were made as the need arose and lacked a set pattern. These images are the epitome of Daoism, and replicates what Daoism is all about., Looking back on the first civilizations of China provides a reflection of modern Chinese and East Asian societies., The idea of ruling a powerful government based on the principle of using two conflicting ideologies at the same time appeared foreign to most dynasties of early China. A statue of the sage Laozi at the base of Mount Qingyuan in Fujian Province in eastern China. Many of these small states continued to exist at the start of the fourth century BCE but seven larger states had the most power including the Qin and the Han. _6{QrUPcVIH2(n\ EYP$OsT^VeVqW{XvP[QZ*rUa %%r:4OEUUUIe.l9TkUt(hY4iu(&_-78Z&E{ Confucius shaped philosophy in ancient China, but his philosophies weren't the only ones. -Wicked777 And the good becomes common as grass. In government order is good (Ebrey 28). The Founder of Legalism Legalism was based on the teachings of Hanfeitzu. History with Mr E. 4.8. He was born in 551 B.C. Especially in China when the three prodigious dynasties thrived; the Sui, Tang, and Song. Both thought systems consider it mostly as a mystery that the human mind cannot fully comprehend or alter. 0000068081 00000 n Morality and benevolence were crucial factors for a successful state, according to Confucianism and Daoism. For example, Emperor Wu of Han promoted hierarchical social structures based on Confucian principles, which he believed would bring about greater social harmony throughout Chinese society. There was many continuities within the government, structure and culture. Legalism does not concern itself with familial matters. Legalist philosophers thus created a system of punishment and reward for certain behaviors. The wise man shuts his mouth and closes his gates. In Confucianism, each person has a role that they must follow. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. It is the third important philosophy from the Warring States Period. The Qin and Han had a different relationship with outsiders because the Qin preferred to keep foreigners out while the Han wanted to build a relationship with them. When the Qin leader and future first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, Emperor Zheng, attacked the Han, the Han leader sent Han Feizi to negotiate with Zheng, who greatly admired Han Feizi's legalist writings. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. the more they write, the better the text will be. Legalism was the approach that actually ended all the fighting, but at a heavy price: books were burned, and all free thinking was stopped. requirements? His purpose wasn't to rule everything around him; it was the complete opposite. The Analects portray an idealized gentleman, and his various duties in terms of the society, family and rituals. Direct link to KingW2019's post It depends on what the me, Posted 2 years ago. Confucius believed that well organized society need to have younger ones respect the elders and their parents. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. If an individual can practice five things anywhere in the world, he is a man of humanityreverence, generosity, truthfulness, diligence and kindness (Ebrey 19). Now, lets fast forward to King Zhengs time. Around 1200 B.C.E, Dynasties chose their rulers or emperors by a system called the Mandate of Heaven. Confucianism is an ethic of moral uprightness, social order, and filial responsibility. Some Daoists actually moved into the woods to become closer with nature. Confucianism is the philosophy that would be the most stable comparing to Legalism and Daoism. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". 0000097106 00000 n Even though the two systems had different concepts about the way, the common denominator of both schools was to achieve total harmony in society. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best Trade with other states was discouraged, and peasant activity was focused, by law, on military service or agriculture. Daoism on the other hand gained many higher up people because of its elaborate spirituality and its traditional Chinese beliefs in natures harmony. 2023. Unlike Confucianism, the Daoists considered it pointless to waste time and energy on problems that defied solution. Be sure to provide an explanation for linking each statement to a philosophy in complete sentences. Confucianism is a system based on moral, ethical, and political order in society. This brought the conflict between legalists and Confucianists to even greater heights. Could people abandon the way of Confucianism and Legalism and change over to Daoism and still be accepted by the people whom were brought up in Daoism? This particular excerpt demonstrates the honor system that many people, even in todays world, acknowledge. First of all, the goal of Confucianism was to have a society that was peaceful and just. Daoism really, tried, (and succeeded) to influence china's tought. No matter who the ruler was and what his status was, what would keep the state functioning was the law. Confucianism and Legalism are similar in that both originated during the Chinese Classical Period; however, they are different in government because Confucianism focuses on having an orderly, respectful, and successful ruler, while Legalism focuses on having an forceful and omnipotent ruler., The Daoist thought developed in response to the turbulence of the late Zhou dynasty and the Period of the Warring States, just like Confucianism. Laozi was the creator of daoism. It depends on what the meaning of the word "better" is. Li Si was more critical of Confucianism than many of his predecessors, and Confucian scholars detested his reforms. In the context of a western moral system of values, Taoism seems much more benevolent but Confucianism may have been more beneficial to the Warring States Period by introducing a philosophical system in which order was prioritized over liberty. 0000015736 00000 n Direct link to sarah.clemmons1216's post Did Daoism ever take off , Posted 5 years ago. Schindler of the East: John Rabe Part 2, Schindler of the East: John Rabe Part 1, The Many Benefits of Egg Soup With Goji Berries and Logan Fruit, Plant Rescuers: The New Face of Ecological Activism, Hope for Humanity: Amazing Stories of Kindness From World War II, Jeans, Jogging, and Other Things Banned Around the World, Praying to God for Miracles: General George Patton, How Blockchain Technology Will Shape the Future, Copyright Policy and Infringement Notification. Han Feizi ended up staying at the emperor's court. The conflict created a need for new political models to solve the crisis. Robalo 246 Cayman SD. The one who knows [the Dao] does not speak; the one who speaks does not know. Legalism. As a low aristocrat himself, Confucius also wanted to rethink notions of status, class, and hierarchy in society. It didn't matter if you stole a loaf of bread or murdered a person - you were still a criminal. Direct link to BunnyXL's post Anyone know how to answer, Posted 4 months ago. Confucius lived a simple life, spending most of his time as a teacher. Throughout his life, he relentlessly tried to gain an office with a prominent ruler of the time who was willing to adopt his various concepts. Students use the QR Readers on iPods, iPads, tablets, etc. Direct link to lilhuddy's post They created a society wh, Posted 2 years ago. 9 42 Direct link to Ryan Sechko's post Where all three of these , Posted 2 years ago. These three philosophies influenced early Chinese empires; some even became official state ideologies. The Qin dynasty was a major proponent of this ideology while the Han dynasty that succeeded it was a patron of Confucianism. King Zhou of the Shang dynasty was overthrown because he began to indulge in drinking, women, and ignored his duties of being emperor. Like how modern democracy draws from Athens democracy. The administrators, or. Direct link to lil happy lil sad's post Many of these ideals were, Posted 2 years ago. Zip. Here is David C. Mullen's obituary. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. 0000007030 00000 n rose as one of the major unified empires. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. 0000002579 00000 n Because of those ideas it converted a large population of China. Legalism, which was created by Han Fei, is an example of change through time as many punishments got weaker and strict laws were declined. to help you write a unique paper. There are some images that come to mind when one thinks of Daoism, such as simplicity, nature, and harmony. In its own way, Daoism addresses as much as Confucianism does questions as to how one ought . They all had a different way of teaching but all of them wanted to end the conflicts in China. 03 Handout 1 *Property of STI. Fill out the Skimming for Gist section of the Three Close Reads Worksheet as you complete your first close read. Peter N. Stearns, Stephen S. Gosch, Erwin P. Grieshaber, Documents in World History Volume 1 (Pearson Longman, 2009), 44. Both Confucianism and Daoism derive their kernel principals and doctrines from ancient teachers and sacred texts. As opposed to the Qin and Zhou dynasties, the combination of Legalist and Confucianist values led to a successful government in the Han dynasty because it gave way to a strong central government along with a rise in cultural and intellectual thinking while also checking each of the ideologies to prevent one from becoming too dominant., Some of the main differences between Confucianism and Daoism is by the way human beings are supposed to live their lives. I'm not a person to fret over many things I have no control over. Correct writing styles (it is advised to use correct citations) But let's rewind the tape to about a century and a half earlier to understand a key influence on the Qin Dynasty: Legalism. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Daoism was a philosophy of universal harmony that urged its practitioners not to get too involved in worldly affairs. According to them, a strong rule with a strict hand was necessary in order to keep the citizens from growing lazy and disrespecting the authority. Hinduism comprises so many different beliefs and rituals that some sociologists have suggested thinking of it as a grouping of . It didn't matter if you stole a loaf of bread or murdered a person - you were still a criminal. The ideas of China changed due to the creation of three distinct religions: Confucianism, Legalism, and Daoism. Eventually, the people of Ancient China revolted and Legalism ended. Followers of Confucianism followed the ideas of Confucius; he believed that people should emphasize personal virtue, which included a respect of tradition. Google Apps. Status was only gained through military efforts one had to join the military in order to receive a high rank. How was Legalism a response to conditions in Chinese society during the Warring States Period? The King was no longer looked at as a god, and wanted to regain his superior power. It shows that he wanted peace. 0000002502 00000 n Free thinking was encouraged, but it was considered disgraceful to question your elders. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. 0000010757 00000 n As a reminder, this should be a quick process! There was a strict punishment-reward system. The idea behind it is that humans need to be connected with "the dao" or "the way of nature." Daoism (Taoism) is all about interacting with the society and the world as it already is. Follow us onTwitter,Facebook, orPinterest. It espouses the principles of etiquette, humaneness, and righteousness, and upholds loyalty, forgiveness, and the doctrine of the mean. Okay, so maybe that's not exactly how Confucious put it, but it's close enough. Both of these religions share a similar goal, a goal of departing from being an individual and moving towards becoming a part of a greater whole; a greater contributor to society itself. report, Confucianism, Daoism and Legalism: Compare and Contrast. Direct link to distefanon1's post how did legalism, Daoism,, Posted 2 years ago. All rights reserved. 0000068367 00000 n The texts that Confucius taught were already ancient in Confucius' time. The young King Zheng began a nine-year campaign to conquer his neighbors. One who does not alter his late fathers [way] for three years may be called filial. Dont This means that Confucius wasn't a violent man. To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. Shang Yang (c. 390-338 BCE) is considered one of the important early philosophers of legalism. Peter N. Stearns, Stephen S. Gosch, Erwin P. Grieshaber, Documents in World History Volume 1 (Pearson Longman, 2009), 55-56. Retrieved from, Comparison between Confucianism and Daoism, Compare and Contrast Confucianism with Taoism, Lord Of The Flies: Contrast: Jack & Piggy Compare and Contrast, Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism in China. It asked for a light government and asked for a ruler that portrayed a serving attitude. There was a strict punishment-reward system. Women were often considered less important as were lower class peoples. Harsh punishments such as beating and strict laws were intended to exhibit the immense power of the government, keeping the people from doing any wrong and preventing social disorder. Confucianism remain loyal to family Confucianism Heaven expects people to behave well Confucianism The Analects Daoism There is no need for government if you live in social harmony Daoism humans are part of nature, not better than it Daoism world is a balance of opposites Daoism Laozi Daoism The Way and Its Power Daoism In the 5th century BCE, China was thrown into a period of intense warfare among rival states. His teachings became enormously influential in organizing the principles of legalism. The four-century debate between Confucian and Legalist thinkers on human nature and the government's role in the economy mirrors the ongoing intellectual debate between Liberals and Mercantilists that began with Adam Smith's publication of The Wealth of Nations in 1776. Confucianism is the system of political and ethical ideas formulated by the Chinese philosopher Confucius toward the end of the Zhou Dynasty; it was intended. In this high-interest activity on Ancient China Philosophies, student engagement is driven by learning, drawing, and researching about one of three major Chinese philosophies, Confucianism, Taoism, and Legalism. The three philosophies out there were Confucianism, Legalism, and Daoism. It does not store any personal data. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Although transformed over time, it is still the substance of learning, the source of values, and the social code of the Chinese. Confucius urged to lead the people with virtue and rituals as opposed to government policies and punishment. Created by Confucius, who according to tradition was a thinker, political figure, and educator.Confucius talked about his vision of a more perfect society in which rulers, subject,nobles,commoners,parents,children,men, and women should graciously accept the roles assigned to them. He said, when superiors love ritual, the people are easy to direct (Ebrey 22). The Tao, which translates as the Way, Path, or Principle, serves as the cornerstone of the Tao Te Ching, which explains the nature, origin, component, and evolution of everything in the universe. In light of these numerous battles, the dominant view of human nature during this time was pretty bleak. 0 The Qin and Han Dynasties implemented ideas and philosophies into their government that had never been seen before. When you look at these three systems, Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism, one of them stands out the most. The Qin Dynasty is often credited as the first dynasty to unify China. Detail from a wall fresco in a Han Dynasty tomb, depicting Confucius. 0000084318 00000 n The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Legalism was during 475-221 BC, also in China. E If laws are adjusted to the time, there is good government. This means that Confucius wasn't a violent man. By the beginning of the Common Era, another philosophy emerges and gains wide acceptance among the commoners. Under Qin Shi Huangdi, common people were conscripted into forced labor and punished or disfigured for petty infractions. People accepted one another and began to accept the governments rule. cite it correctly. So I practice to let those things go and wait until, Confucianism is just one philosophical movement that shaped China and is still shaping China today. Direct link to kylee's post Did confucius ever punish, Posted 3 days ago. xref It was he who actually implemented the ideas of the legalists across the growing Qin state. It also advocates ruling the country by etiquette and convincing people by virtue. Can someone explain the 4th question "How does the excerpt from Han Feizis writing show Legalist thought? The Qin and the Han each contributed to the growth of Chinas culture and expansion. Confucianism existed from - and Legalism took place from 280-233 B.C. Essay about Compare And Contrast Confucianism Daoism And Legalism, Theory of music in ancient chinese philosophy, Compare and contrast Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism, Reform Movements In The United States Sought To Expand Democratic Ideals. This is a belief that was built off of chinese traditions of worshiping their ancestors. The Dao is meant to represent the natural order of the universe, and Daoism stipulates that human beings are the only species that disobeys the Dao. They wanted to restore the Chinese people to a former glory and were more traditionalist. Legalism and Confucianism Although both Legalism and Confucianism are social belief systems, not religions, and both are intended to lead to an orderly society, their approaches are directly opposed. Modern-day Statement Ancient Chinese Philosophy and Why "Laws are created to maintain order. Legalism and Daoism. Choose from a diner, a historic hotel, a pretzel shop, a pizzeria, an ice cream stand, a hoagie shop or food trucks. Which philosophy do you think you follow? It's all about the balance of good and bad in the world: the yin and the yang. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. There you have it: Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism. A statue of the sage Laozi at the base of Mount Qingyuan in Fujian Province in eastern China. 0000067867 00000 n Confucianism thus became the official Philosophy, gaining wide acceptance in China. First of all, the goal of Confucianism was to have a society that was peaceful and just. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. He found it to be an essential part for the well being of society. Finally Chinese art, at this time it was decorative, and stressed careful detail and craftsmanship., Confucianism and Daoism are two of the most influential schools of thought in ancient China. Map shows all of the different warring states of China and how they intersect. What can each belief system contribute to a society to make it healthier, more stable, and better for people?, World History Project - Origins to the Present, Era 3 - Cities, Societies, and Empires (6,000 BCE to 700 CE). Daoism was much less focused on politics. 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