platforms for student council secretary


However, it can alsorequire a significant time commitment. These individuals would provide me, if elected to this position, with feedback on upcoming Student Government matters as well as information about what is happening across campus. Chad is passionate about delivering value to the membership, and has led efforts to reduce fees, embrace technology innovation, improve access for high school and college students, and design inclusive financial services for a diverse community. I believe that an interview is not an interrogation, and I would make sure that the meeting would be relaxed, but focused. Whichever approach you take, make sure your poster contains a few key elements including: your name, logo, slogan, and an image of yourself. (Copy And Steal Everything) ideas from other schools across the world is SUCH a unique experience. The duties outlined basically consist of taking attendance and maintaining a small milk and cookies budget. Choosing a main campaign message: What would you like to accomplish while on student council? Why me? I cannot begin to fathom the emptiness of a life without the standard Saturday night Paces party, or midweek pizza study break. Student Council consists of six members who earn their placement through a democratic student voting system. Hi, Im John Doe, and Im running for sophomore class secretary., I'm an excellent note-taker. All rights reserved. Instead, I want to bring in more diverse groups of people, not just stopping at race but also groups like our LGBTQ+ and allow them to take the initiative and for them to be able to show campus how diversity matters on campus. I believe that my experience and personality will help me offer new ideas. And of course, it doesnt hurt that it makes a powerful addition to your college resume. Below, well look at the various positions and what you can expect from each. A Comprehensive Guide. The position of Student Body President is one where someone should be able to feel comfortable to come talk to that individual about anything at all and know that they will be heard. See the about page to read more about the DG. During your lunch period, you should not be sitting down; instead, walk around the cafeteriaorcampus. What if we could walk into Worth Health Center, confident in the medical care? My reasons for running for Student Council Secretary are twofold. I want to make this as easy and the least daunting as possible. Im also responsible and trustworthy.. Members of the school-wide council plan and execute programs for the entire school (such as Homecoming Week or a school-wide fundraiser). If you like this article be sure to share it with other parents and school councils by using the share buttons above and below this article. Your email address will not be published. In addition, members of grade-specific councils are responsible for assisting the school-wide council in planning and running major school-wide events such as the Homecoming parade, Homecoming dance, and pep rallies. If I am elected, I hope to implement simple ideas like these to keep you more in touch with what is going on. If I am elected as Secretary, I will bring these detail-oriented strengths to Student Council. In this section, Ill discuss the general responsibilities of all members. Secretary and Member of the Ad-hoc Committee on Drafting University Announcements to allowing student representatives to Secretary and Member of the Ad-hoc Committee on Drafting University Announcements to allowing student representatives to Be on time to meetings and events. I would like to become more involved in these changes in order to guarantee that students voices are always heard. As Campus Life Representative, I will communicate student concerns and inquiries to administration and make sure they are acknowledged. Ill make sure to facilitate communication between the students and the administration and encourage all students to speak up about their opinions on Campus Life. A platform should be your summary of things at your school you want to change. Colleges like to see leadership experience and involvement on your resume. The administration has actually been thinking of doing something like this for a while, but I want to make sure it happens. How do you get people to trust you? How do you join? It can be discussions about diversity, Black Lives Matter, mental health, sexual harassment and sexual assault, ways to study more efficiently, or just provide an opportunity to let students speak their mind in an environment where they will not be judged or criticized for what they believe or how they feel. WebGreen Giant FM. According to the Student Council constitution, the function of the secretary is to ensure that important documentation pertaining to Student Council is archived, posting minutes and keeping track of the budget. Dont be a mediocre student governmentmember! Think about what would make you vote one of your classmates onto the student council. Student council is a group of students elected by their classmates to organize activities and address student concerns and interests. I have chosen to run for the position of vice president of Student Council because it is a position of great responsibility that I know I will occupy to your full benefit. I will have informational and interactive events related to mental health topics. What is the role of a Secretary in student council? This is amore difficult task. with your name on it. After being so involved in high school, I wanted to be a part of the colleges student government. After being elected Treasurer (2006) then Vice President (2007), I had the opportunity to attend my first state student council conference with the South Carolina Association of Student Councils. As a reporter for The Phoenix, I have learned the importance of working efficiently, keeping deadlines in mind. WebA student council is a group of student leaders who work with an adult advisor to collaborate with others to impact their school community, which impacts their city or town, which impacts our state, which impacts our country, which changes the world. As Appointments Chair, I would be responsible for setting up a meeting between you, me, at least two other member of the appointments committee and a possibly with a member of the committee you are trying to get on. I am a great candidate for Student Events Advisor not only because I am passionate about providing and attending a plethora of entertaining on campus events, but also because I have the experience that would allow me to fulfill the duties of Student Events Advisor. The school council secretarys role is more than just taking minutes and posting the meeting agenda. These weekly meetings include all members of the council as well as the faculty adviser. I also would want to reestablish the Presidential Cabinet, which is where a student representative from On campus, Off campus, a male and female Athlete, Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic Council, National Panhellenic Council, Black Student Union, Latin American Student Organization, and possible other additions from other organizations may be appointed to the Cabinet and act as representatives from their respective areas. I know this will not be an easy job, but I believe that I am, with the help and support of the other Executive Board and Student Government members, our graduate advisor, our organizations advisor, and the members of the Eastern Illinois University Student Body, I am more than capable of doing the job.. 4. For example, I was the Spanish Club treasurer for two years and have never made below an A in math class. Past campaign platforms are useful to future candidates concerned with historicity and maintaining ongoing campaign promises adopted by Smile and be polite and friendly. I want to bring a new donation where we collect slightly used or new clothing, shoes, accessories, and donate them to our Pride Closet on campus. Whether one approves or disapproves of the council at this time, no one can dispute the fact that at this point in time, Student Council is at a major turning point in that people are paying attention to what the council is doing. hbspt.cta.load(360031, '4efd5fbd-40d7-4b12-8674-6c4f312edd05', {}); Have any questions about this article or other topics? My greatest strength is I am no conformist, and am constantly compelled to pursue a solution or an answer to enigmas I encounter. With more openness and transparency, it is my hope that we, as a campus, will be better able to address longstanding issues at Swarthmore. This means informing students of any and all meeting WebSecretary- The secretary keeps the student council organized by taking meeting notes (called minutes), keeping records of important discussions and decisions, and My name is Sarah Dwider and I am running for the position of Student Council Secretary. You could approach me in person or perhaps Ill overhear you in Sharples. Having served as appointments chair for the past two semesters, I have learned a great deal about the necessity of small improvements, and the difference they can make on an entire process, like applying to committees. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. 2022 - 4 . How to Join Your High School's Student Council - PrepScholar 7. I have personal relationships with Liz Derickson and Dean Westphal because Ive taken the time to ask them about CAPS and Public Safetys policies. By diversity, I mean the variety of classes we offer here, student diversity, etc. Stack a few envelopes, the notebook, and a few stamps then tie with string to make a stationary set. Recording Secretary Responsibilities: Distribute meeting agendas Distribute draft minutes from previous meeting with agenda Record minutes for all executive and If elected I would work for: Below, well discuss tips for writing a campaign speech. WebAre you running for Student Council? What is student council and what duties will you have as a member? Not only does it impress the admissions team, but student council also prepares you for experiences youll have in college and the real world. Back then, it was a club that I treated like a religion and is still credited with some of my favorite memories. Student council positions are determined by student votes. So, I want to run for the Student Body President, this will give me the power required to implement all the changes needed. I would like to extend this concrete connection with my hall to the community at large. How to Get Into The George Washington University, Passion Projects for High School Students: The Ultimate Guide, How To Get Into San Diego State University. Online voting will be Sunday-Tuesday, and Sharples voting will, This error message is only visible to WordPress admins, Swarthmore Mock Trial Reaches Opening Round Championships for the First Time Since 2011. Undoubtedly I pledge to continue in their proactive footsteps to making Swarthmore campus life better for the student body in general. Talking to people and asking about their ideas will help build some trust. I make this one promise: if elected, Ill serve the community to the best of my ability. Are you a dependable student who turns work in on time, treats others with respect, and performs well academically? I would also make a further commitment to explore social, cultural, and even financial issues more in depth. After graduating from the University of South Carolina I pursued a career working for Walt Disney World and Walt Disney Studios. Webstudent lending, mortgages, and credit cards. I will insure that your application is not lost, that your application is given a fair review and that you will be promptly notified of the status of your application. Participation in these organizations throughout my high school career allowed me to develop key leadership, coordination and organizational skills. I am not looking to radicalize or revolutionize Student Council. I want to just be that person who is there for them, to help them promote, a useful tool that can help with things like connections. End with your name and campaign slogan (if you had one). Begging strangers for contributions has certainly strengthened my communication and interpersonal skills. The other day, my friend was saying how great it would be if there were just some randomly fun thingsLike what if there were suddenly a band playing in the fragrance garden on Friday afternoon?that happened here on campus? I ask for your vote to help make this happen. 1. 6. Here are some best and cool student council secretary slogans for you: Choose the best secretary to eliminate the mess. Your student council experience can also help you develop a variety of career skills, including: In short, student council is an interesting and rewarding experience that helps you build skills youll need in college, the workforce, and life. Should you join? If you want to run for student council, you have to have some kind of platform or ideology that drives your campaign. Repeat the same message that you used when talking to other students about your platform. Interested in learning about other great extracurricular opportunities? I recognize that Swatties feel they are extremely busy and dont have the time to become more in tune with what student council is doing. How to Get Into Harvard and the Ivy League, by a Harvard Alum. We make sure students get the career help they need. WebAn analytical and innovative third year MEng Mechanical Engineering student specialising in Automotive Engineering from the University of Southampton. Take charge of event planning. Nate Erskine 10: My name is Nathaniel (Nate) Erskine 10 and I am asking to be your Appointments Chair. Thinking about joining student council? WebThere are a number of tasks that a student council secretary is responsible for. Depending on the school, you may also need to give a campaign speech. Andrea Cornejo 10: The first couple of weeks on campus, I looked around and couldnt see how there could be anything to complain about here at Swarthmore, everything seemed to run so smoothly. Do you have great organizational and writing skills? In general, it is the student councils responsibility to: Your specific experience as a member of the student council will depend on your role. , , . However, I had control over a very few things/departments. Lets face it: most Swatties are not involved with student government. I want to help ensure that our diverse groups on campus feel as secure and welcomed. Shoot me an email. Web1. This semester I worked as a Swarthmore phonathon caller, calling alumni and parents of current and past students. I am focused and disciplined. At these weekly meetings, members brainstorm events they'd like to plan and divvy up the tasks. If you hated the Homecoming dance last year, you could plan a better event. I know the resources on campus, and Im comfortable using them. Stay on track and ease your anxiety with our second-to-none college application assistance. Introduce yourself, share some of your ideas for improvement, and ask your peers what changes they would like to see at school. Many high schools have a separate council for each grade level (freshman student council, sophomore student council, junior student council, senior student council). Share or download your own brand new student council poster template. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Please go to the Instagram Feed settings page to create a feed. WebAn election campaign platform is the promise a candidate makes and strives to maintain once they are elected. I have a vision where the Student Action Team is the flagship program that the EVP is tasked with heading. My duty is to promote and build up the identity of our clients. As you decide what position to run for, you should also keep in mind that being elected secretary or treasurer is easier than becoming president or vice president. Use email to send out meeting reminders, agendas, flyers for upcoming events and to distribute newsletter, if parents have given the councilpermission to email them directly. I believe EIU needs a change on bigger scale. SpecialGuest, Two Dudes Talk Movies Ep. I like warm showers, kittens, Jane Austens novels, spicy food, living in MLL, roomy cars, bad puns, puppies, coffee, Linux, and the color blue. I am here to do what you want me to do. As Executive Director of Parents Engaged in Education, Theresa is committed to empower parent leaders across the province to support their schools and students in their community. Submit a complete application according to the program guidelines. =). When it comes to extracurricular activities that make a positive impression on colleges, student council is near the top of the list. Nothing is worse than the class t-shirt. ACT Writing: 15 Tips to Raise Your Essay Score, How to Get Into Harvard and the Ivy League, Is the ACT easier than the SAT? Make sure youre known as the person who does all of their homework, gets good grades, engages in class discussions, etc. How do you get people to know you? Begin your speech by welcoming your fellow classmates. What SAT Target Score Should You Be Aiming For? Chad is passionate about delivering value to the membership, and has led efforts to reduce fees, embrace technology innovation, improve access for high school and college students, and design inclusive financial services for a diverse community. Or just stop me to chat. Thammasat University Student Council. We also send out a monthly e-newsletter filled with tons of articles with advice and tips to help your parent council to be more engaging. You should be! If you are still searching for more information and cant find it in one of our blogs/articles be sure to reach out to other parent council members via ourparent engagement forum. An idea that I hope to realize, would be to have the non-confidential committees have one completely open meeting each semester that students would be encouraged go to and learn about the functions, for in that way you can see what it is like to work closely with faculty and administration. I am motivated to excel. collecting money when selling tickets for Homecoming, depositing that money into the proper account, keeping records). I will work for a greater variety of events that are more spread out so that you are not so stressed. She spoke to our team about her successes and advice shed offer current students. creating meeting itineraries, facilitating discussions), delegating tasks (i.e. As a publicist, youve got to be VERY comfortable talking with strangers from celebrities to some weirdos you engage with all kinds. You'll want to have at least fivehours per week to dedicate to student council. In order to be an effective secretary, one must be highly organized and attentive at all times. As Secretary, I will work to make sure that Student Council proceedings are as transparent as possible. With that being said, it is important to have a Vice President on this committee who can be bold in terms of providing feedback on what students think of certain aspects of the school. I have already taken an active role in campus life in many different ways. I will organize several different online and COVID-friendly in-person events for students to get involved and have the best college experience. You usually have to sign up to run. Commenting on the Daily Eastern News web site is a privilege, not a right. Create personalized mini notebooks. However, before the process of bringing an idea through Student Council can even begin, students must be comfortable using the resources available to them in order to make discussions brought up at meetings as productive as possible. It was in these off hours that I really grew to appreciate the people working there next to me. The times where your dedication and hard work really go noticed is when youre offered a coveted conference spot. If you dislike school lunches, you can try to change the menu. During my time at Swarthmore, I have had the opportunity to meet many of my peers and listen to their concerns regarding the direction of the college. How will the school and student body benefit from your participation in student council? Additionally, Ive listed the typical positions available on each council. To be elected, you'll need to deliver a speech convincing classmates you're highly motivated and qualified to represent them. The success of a school council often rests with the partnership they form with the, Children are more successful in school when parents actively participate and show interest in their, Try these 5 tips and smart ideas to make your school council life easier We, For most parents, getting involved in the school parent group can be compared to sticking, What Roles and Responsibilities Make Up a Good School Council Secretary, What Roles and Responsibilities Make Up a Good School Council Treasurer, 5 Ways to Reduce Your School Council Stress, Desire to serve the students, the council, the school and the board, Understanding the role of the school council, Distribute draft minutes from previous meeting with agenda, Record minutes for all executive and council meetings, Maintain a complete file of all approved minutes, agendas and reports/materials distributed to members at meetings, Attend executive and council meetings and participate in discussions and voting, Determine with the executive committee or the council the frequency andmost effective method of communicating with members and the parentcommunity. I want to start talking initiatives, even minor ones, to make EIU campus green and eco-friendly. Make it brief or youll lose your audience. One of the major reasons why I should be elected to student council is the fact that I can communicate very well with other people. The group is composed entirely of students; often they have a faculty adviser. The student secretary is the backbone of the student council and is one of the most essential roles in a school. You should also think about the impression youre making in class. In order to alleviate the ambiguity often associated with SAC and throwing campus events, I would insist on holding at least two informal study breaks a semester that would allow curious potential event hosts to casually interact with SAC members and ask questions. 18: The Help feat. This will help students remember you, particularly if your slogan is catchy or clever. To show other students that youre this type of person, youll have to get out there and mingle with your classmates. deciding who on the council will be in charge of finding someone to design the class t-shirt, who will be responsible for finding a company to print the t-shirt), and for holding people accountable (i.e. Web1 Spread the Word Use whatever chance you get to put your name in front of the student body. Hi, my name is Jennifer Yi, and I want to be your campus life representative. I believe that not only is it our job to communicate with Prepare and distribute minutes to the council for approval. 20: HiddenFigures, Two Dudes Talk Movies Ep. As I said above, every member is responsible for attending meetings and helping make school events happen. By joining the student government, youre able to influence your high school. Our new student and parent forum, at, allow you to interact with your peers and the PrepScholar staff. Usually, each grade-level council has their own faculty adviser. The PU administration approached the scene and dispersed the students from the ground. Better food: Have you ever thought that Sharples food just isnt as satisfying as the tour guides made it sound? Beyond dotting the is and crossing the ts of meeting minutes, I see the position of Student Council Secretary as a position of facilitation. Get the latest articles and test prep tips! The secretary notifies officers, committee members and others of their successful election or appointment to office. After being rejected (yep, rejected) from the Freshman Student Gov program, I found myself in the very boring role of deputy chief of staff. Having served in the Student Government for almost two years and holding different positions has helped me improve various things on campus. If you like to lead and speak in front of others, being the student council president or vice president might suit you. If youre on a grade-level council, youll likely have meetings both with your grade-level council and the school-wide council. The size of the posters doesnt matter, butthe quantity does. I started as my freshman treasurer, then became sophomore VP, then junior class president, and I becameStudent Government President my senior year. Select one of more than 1.200.000 images or upload your own image. There have been suggestions about creating more majors. I was appointed to the Student Affairs Committee last spring, and began serving my term this fall. It was also these times that some great memories with principles, coaches and of course my student council advisor. Corryn Brock is a senior public affairs reporting major. One thing we did on council as part of a push for appointments was have a study break last semester with members from each committee there, and the eagerness they showed to talk about their committees was admirable. Treasurer:Responsible for budgeting and managing money (i.e. Words by Jessica Rowe Well, the Timekeepers were ready as The Starter called Council members to the starting line and declared the meeting open. As your Executive Vice President, I intend to execute all of the responsibilities of the office to the best of my ability and be a true representative for the Student Body. Parents Engaged in Education, 857 Milner Ave. Unit 104, Scarborough, ON M1B 5N6. Im always around to listen to any opinions or concerns about campus life. You want people to see your name so that they can talk to their friends about you andtry to figure out who you are before election day. Okay, so tell me what youre thinking; and lets take the what if out of some of those great ideas. Vote Jennifer Yi! As Secretary, I will work to make sure that Student Council proceedings are as transparent as possible. 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